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Neurobinar #4: January 21st at 4pm on Zoom

For this first neurobinar in 2021, come and discover the work of Cédric Maurange (IBDM), Dominika Pilat (INP) and Borloz Émilie (MMG). Register on this page to receive the webinar connection link.

Neurobinar #4: January 21st at 4pm on Zoom with Cédric Maurange (IBDM), Dominka Pilat (INP) and Borloz Émilie (MMG)

For this fourth edition, we are pleased to welcome Cédric Maurange (IBDM), Dominika Pilat (INP) and Borloz Émilie (MMG). Dominika Pilat and Borloz Émilie will introduce their respective theses in a cross presentation. After a question session, Cédric Maurange (IBDM) will explain his research on genetic programmes modifying the properties of neural stem cells during development.


A one-hour web-conference in 2 parts: two PhD students will give a 10 min cross-presentation of their PhD work. After 5 min of questions, they will hand over to a researcher, a postdoc or an engineer from the neuroscience community who will present in 20 min an accessible version of their research. Once again, you will have the opportunity to ask questions, debate on the topic of the day or simply get to know your colleague better!

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The "Zoomers" of 21 January

Log in and learn more about the thesis of Dominka Pilat (INP) presented by Émilie Borloz (MMG) and vice versa. The presentation of both theses will be followed by the presentation of the work of Cédric Maurange (IBDM). You will also have the opportunity to ask your questions and review the neurobinar on our YouTube Channe.

Cédric Maurange
Cédric MaurangeView publications

Cédric Maurange did his PhD at the University of Heidelberg working on epigenetic mechanisms regulating gene expression during development. He then did a post-doc at the Medical Research Center in London during which he worked on the temporal regulation of neural stem cells during brain production in Drosophila. Since 2009, he has been team leader at the Developmental Biology Institute of Marseille (IBDM). With his team, he has developed several lines of research, focusing in particular on genetic programmes modifying the properties of neural stem cells during development. More recently, the team has established a model of tumours of developmental origin, such as paediatric cancers, making it possible to understand how developmental genetic programmes can be co-opted to induce tumours and govern the proliferative properties of cancer cells. The team mainly uses the Drosophila fly as a study model but has recently added a vertebrate animal model such as the avian embryo. The team is labelled “National League against Cancer“.

Dominika Pilat
Dominika Pilat

Graduated from the Jagiellonian University in Krakow with a Bachelor and Master's degree in Neuroscience, thanks to an A-Midex scholarship, Dominika starts her thesis in 2017 at the Institute of NeuroPhysiopathology (INP). Her thesis is entitled "MT5-MMP promotes neuroinflammation, pathogenic transformation of the amyloid precursor protein and synaptic dysfunction in the early stages of Alzheimer's disease" and is co-directed with Dr Santiago Rivera and Dr Kevin Baranger.

emilie borloz
Émilie Borloz

Holder of a Bachelor's degree in Human Biology and Biotechnology and a Master's degree in Human Pathology with a specialisation in Human and Medical Genetics (Aix-Marseille University). Emilie Borloz is currently in her 3rd year of doctoral studies. She is carrying out her thesis project entitled "Rett Syndrome: Enteric Nervous System and Therapeutic Strategies" under the supervision of Jean-Christophe Roux at the Marseille Medical Genetics Centre (MMG).

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