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Online round table: The mysteries of the brain - The Conversation France (in French)

On the occasion of the 5th anniversary of The conversation, 3 researchers from Neuromarseille have been invited to a round table on "the mysteries of the brain".

On Thursday 12th November, on the occasion of its 5th anniversary, The Conversation chose to invite 3 NeuroMarseille researchers to animate their first virtual round table; Anna Montagnini (INT- CNRS/AMU), Arnaud Norena (LNSC- CNRS/AMU) and Anne Kavounoudias (LNSC- AMU) explained through a question-and-answer game how the brain makes us sense the outside world, allows us to feel, touch, hear, and how it can be disturbed.

You have the opportunity to watch this round table again in the video below and on The Conversation’s YouTube channel. You can also watch the replay of the second online event “The Life of Trees”, which took place on Thursday 19 November from 6.30 pm to 8 pm.

    Discover the new PODCAST

    On the occasion of these 5 years, The Conversation France is releasing a new podcast, Les mots de la science : https://bit.ly/333dJgL

    Listen to the podcast
    Round table - The mysteries of the brain
    Ingrid Meucci Chargée de communication

    Après la validation d’un master en neuroscience et un master communication, je me suis spécialisée dans la communication neuroscientifique au service de l'institut NeuroMarseille. 

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