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Aix-Marseille University is full of associations and services for students.
- At AMU’s student life office, you will find information on the steps you need to take at the university and on student life: accommodation, catering, transport, health, social services, culture, sport, leisure activities, etc.
- See also the new AMU online student guide!
- The Animafac network offers a toolkit for creating your own association.
- Check the list established by the Student Life Office to find out more about AMU students’ societies.
Student societies
Find below the list of neuroscience associations
Made up of students and graduates of NeuroSchool, this association aims to promote neuroscience and to provide a medium for exchange between students, institutional partners and professionals. Since 2016, the association has already welcomed more than 3000 participants during different events as well as more than 50 prestigious guests. In September 2019, the association was awarded the first prize for student initiatives by the Marseille City Council.
Find out moreNeuroLink
A new society for neuroscience PhD students and postdocs: join now to organise scientific, social and networking events!
Contact NeuroLinkHippo’Thèse
Hippo'Thèse is an association created in 2001, composed of about ten organising members. It gathers and animates the community of junior researchers working in the field of life sciences and medicine. In particular, the association reaches the 750 PhD students of the Doctoral School 62 of Aix-Marseille University, as well as post-docs and master students interested in a PhD.
Hippo'Thèse organises monthly social events as well as 2 major annual events: the scientific congress of the PhD School and a Forum for junior researchers (the "Hippo'Thèse Day").
Cerveau Point Comm
Créée en janvier 2001, l’association Cerveau Point Comm s’est fixée comme objectif la diffusion des connaissances scientifiques dans le domaine des Neurosciences et souhaite jouer un rôle soutenu dans le cadre des actions de diffusion de la Culture Scientifique et Technique. Depuis 2001, elle organise la Semaine du Cerveau à Marseille et dans plusieurs autres villes de la région Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur.
Find out moreOnline
Here are the blogs, podcasts or others created by our students
- “NeuroHistory Cartoons” : a project by Canadian students that creates portraits of neuroscientists in the form of comic strips. As a bonus, there is a comic strip by Paul Apicella, a neuromarseille researcher at INT.
- “La Tête dans le Cerveau” : podcast created and hosted by Christophe Rodo, PhD student in neuroscience at AMU (available in French).
- Blog’n’Brain : a participatory blog project that offers students of neuroscience the opportunity to popularise their knowledge (available in French).
- Card game”À vos cerveaux” created by Estelle Nakul