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Neurobinar #12 : February 22nd at 1 pm on Zoom

For this twelfth neurobinar, join us online and discover the work of Adam Williamson (INS), Gaelle Alhaddad (LNC) and Pedro Belio Mairal (INP). Register on this page to receive the webinar connection link.

Want to take a break to get to know your colleagues?

On February 22nd at 1 pm, join us online and discover the work of Adam Williamson (INS), Gaelle Alhaddad (LNC), and Pedro Belio Mairal (INP). Gaelle and Pedro will introduce their respective Ph.D. in a cross-presentation. After a question session for Ph.D. students, Adam Williamson will share with us his research on “Non-invasive deep brain stimulation in Epilepsy using Temporal Interference“.


A one-hour web conference in 2 parts: two Ph.D. students will give a 10 min cross-presentation of their Ph.D. work. After 5 min of questions, they will hand over to a researcher, a postdoc or an engineer from the neuroscience community who will present in 20 min an accessible version of their research. Once again, you will have the opportunity to ask questions, debate on the topic of the day or simply get to know your colleague better!

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The speakers on February 22nd

Log in and learn more about the PhD project of Gaelle Alhaddad (LNC) presented by Pedro Belio Mairal (INP) and vice versa. The presentation of both PhDs will be followed by the presentation of the work of Adam Williamson (INS). You will also have the opportunity to ask your questions and review the Neurobinar on our YouTube Channel.

Learn more about our guests with a summary of their background, bibliography and contact information.

Non-invasive deep brain stimulation in Epilepsy using Temporal Interference by Adam WILLIAMSON

Adam Williamson is a Principal Investigator at the Institut de Neurosciences des Systèmes (INS), a part of Inserm at Aix-Marseille Université (AMU), France, since April 2014. He is a recipient of the ERC Starting Grant 2016 and ERC Proof-of-Concept Grant 2020, using novel technology-based therapies and neuroprosthetics in the treatment of epilepsy. Generally, his research can be classified as technology-based, focused on in vivo applications for numerous new electronic devices and brain stimulation methods in pathophysiological neuronal networks related to epilepsy. Adam received his B.Sc. degree and M.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering at Texas Tech University, USA, where his work was focused on the fabrication and optimization of silicon transistors with Professor Richard Gale. In 2011 he received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering at the Technische Universität Ilmenau (TUI), Germany, where his work was focused on the integration of nano-structures into silicon photodiodes with Prof. Martin Hoffmann (the Department of Micromechanical Systems, TUI, Germany). From 2011 to 2014, he worked as a postdoc at TUI with Prof. Andreas Schober (the Department of Nano-Biosystem Technology, TUI, Germany), where his work was focused on nanostructure-enhanced electrophysiology and artificial synapse technology. In 2014 he joined INS in Marseille to focus exclusively on neuroengineering.

Adam WILLIAMSON's Bibliography
Effects of Biscriptuality on Graphomotor Coordination Dynamics by Gaelle ALHADDAD

Gaelle Alhaddad holds a BSc and a MSc degree in Psychomotor Therapy, during which she specialized in the evaluation and rehabilitation of French and Arabic handwriting. She is currently in her 2nd year of PhD under the supervision of Dr. Marieke Longcamp, within the Music, Language and Writing team at the LNC (Laboratoire de Neurosciences Cognitives).

Deciphering the pathological mechanisms of MT5-MMP in Alzheimer's disease by Pedro BELIO MAIRAL

I have a BSc in Biotechnology from the University of Girona and a MSc in Translational Medicine from the University of Barcelona. I have been working for some years now in the development and use of stem cell-based human models to study the neuro-glia interplay in synaptic dysfunction in the context of neurodegenerative diseases. I am currently starting my 3rd year of thesis under the supervision of Drs Santiago Rivera and Emmanuel Nivet at the INP (Institute of NeuroPathophysiology). 

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