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Neurobinar #9 : October 26th at 1 pm on Zoom

For this ninth neurobinar, join us online and discover the work of Oussama El Far (UNIS), Salomé Mortet (INMED) and Emma Acerbo (INS). Register on this page to receive the webinar connection link.

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⚠ NEW SCHEDULE : Neurobinars will now take place on TUESDAY at 1 pm. 

On October 26th at 1 pm, join us online and discover the work of Oussama El Far (UNIS), Salomé Mortet (INMED) and Emma Acerbo (INS). Salomé and Emma will introduce their respective PhD in a cross-presentation. After a question session for PhD students, Oussama El Far will share with us his research on the molecular mechanism of neurotransmitter release.


A one-hour web conference in 2 parts: two PhD students will give a 10 min cross-presentation of their PhD work. After 5 min of questions, they will hand over to a researcher, a postdoc or an engineer from the neuroscience community who will present in 20 min an accessible version of their research. Once again, you will have the opportunity to ask questions, debate on the topic of the day or simply get to know your colleague better!

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The speakers on October 26th

Log in and learn more about the PhD project of Salomé Mortet (INMED) presented by Emma Acerbo (INS) and vice versa. The presentation of both PhDs will be followed by the presentation of the work of Oussama El Far (UNIS). You will also have the opportunity to ask your questions and review the Neurobinar on our YouTube Channel.

Insights into the molecular mechanism of neurotransmitter release by Oussama EL FAR

Oussama El Far obtained his PhD in neuroscience at AMU, then spent 7 years at the Max-Planck Institute for Brain Research in Frankfurt, first as a postdoc, then as a group leader. He was recruited at Inserm in 2002 and is now DR2 and leader of the UNIS team working on the molecular mechanisms of neurotransmitter release.

Team website
Characterization of hippocampal neuronal activity during the first postnatal week in-vivo by Salomé MORTET

Salomé did a bachelor's degree in Life Sciences with a major in Cell Biology and a master's degree in Integrative Biology and Physiology (BIP), both at AMU. She is currently in her 3rd year of PhD studies under the supervision of Dr Agnès Baude and Dr Pierre-Pascal Lenck-Santini at INMED.

Lab website
Photo d'Emma Acerbo
New Paradigms of Stimulation in Epilepsy by Emma ACERBO

Emma holds a Bachelor's degree in Physiology and Neuroscience and a Master's degree in Neuroscience, specialized in Molecular, Cellular and Integrated Neuroscience, both from AMU. Emma is currently in her 3rd year of PhD under the supervision of Romain CARRON (MD, PhD) and Adam WILLIAMSON (PhD) at the Institute of Systems Neuroscience.

Team website
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