
NeuroCommunity: the new NeuroMarseille network now online!

For members, former post-doc or researchers of NeuroMarseille's laboratories, for students and alumnis of NeuroSchool.

NeuroCommunity: your network in neuroscience

Good news: whether you are still a student, or working in one of NeuroMarseille’s laboratories or a long-time alumni working in a private company, in Marseille or on the other side of the world, whether you graduated from NeuroSchool or not, whether you are still in the field of neuroscience or not: if you have been through the world of neuroscience in Marseille, you are concerned, the NeuroCommunity will be rich with all your differences! An initiative that NeuroMarseille is proud to offer you, with a network (LinkedIn) that is already 150 contacts strong by June 2022.

Coming together is a beginning, staying together is progress, and working together is success.
Henry Ford

Join the network

# Interdisciplinarity

Since their creation in 2018 and 2019, NeuroSchool and NeuroMarseille have honored interdisciplinarity between researchers of the community. Today, the institute and its Graduate School wish to open their network to all former “members”, who can be a source of inspiration for various collaborations related by different ways to neuroscience. NeuroSchool students are not to be outdone, since they can also join the network, from the moment they enter the Bachelor’s degree to the PhD. No better way to open your professional perspectives with the NeuroCommunity network!

What happens to them?

Whether researchers, teacher-researchers, communicators or business developers, in the public or private sector, still in neurosciences or working in other fields, our alumnis are now shining in their area! Here they tell you about their memories of NeuroMarseille or NeuroSchool, explain the contribution it made to their current position, and even share some advice!

Hanae Lahlou

Research Fellow

Graduating with a PhD in 2017 from the NeuroSchool of Marseille, Hanae has since moved to the United States! She now works at the Massachusetts Eye and Ear at Harvard Medical School.

💼 Hanae's LinkedIn

🎤 Her interview

Emmanuel Nivet

Research fellow at INT and CNRS team leader

Emmanuel obtained his PhD at Aix-Marseille University in 2008 and then did a postdoc at the Salk Institute for Biological Studie. He returned in 2015 to our beautiful city of Marseille as a permanent CNRS researcher, and is since 2018 a principal investigator at the Institute of NeuroPhysiopathology (INP).

💼 Emmanuel's LinkedIn

🎤 His interview

Elodie Giorla

Head of a R&D department

Elodie obtained her PhD in 2017. She now works in the private sector but remains involved in NeuroMarseille events: here she shares her memories and advices.

💼 Elodie's LinkedIn

🎤 Her interview

Gonzalo Ruiz

Scientific mediator and CEO of "Drop of Curiosity"

Graduated with a master in neurosciences, specializing in "Integrative and cognitive neurosciences", Gonzalo has now a very hectic life. As a scientific mediator, host of a YouTube channel and CEO of a start-up, the founder of the "Neuronautes", a student society in Marseille, shares his many experiences with us.

💼 Gonzalo's LinkedIn

🎤 His interview

Maxime Richardo

Computer engineer 

In another life, Maxime was a PhD student in one of the 9 NeuroMarseille laboratory. Today, he is a computer engineer. He tells us why he changed his carreer path and what it brought him.

🎤 Maxime's interview

Tiphaine Villaumé

Clinical Research Coordinator 

Graduated in 2020 with our master of neurosciences, Tiphaine went on to take the "ARC" diploma: she explains here her career and her experiences. She also gives us some precious advice.

💼 Tiphaine's LinkedIn

🎤 Her interview

Philippe Fournier

Professor at Laval University (Quebec)

In  2015, Philippe was offered a postdoc postion in one laboratories of NeuroMarseille (LNC). He shares in this interview the studious but sunny memories of this period.

💼 Philippe's LinkedIn

🎤 His interview

Are you an alumni too?

Then join the NeuroCommunity!

We are putting at your disposal a LinkedIn group dedicated to former and current members: share your ideas, needs, job proposals, need for collaborations, advice or anything else!

We will keep you informed of NeuroMarseille news, ask you to share and transmit information, and, why not, organize a meeting for you !

Alumni LinkedIn

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