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Continue distance learning

Some resources for continuing to learn during lockdown.

On Thursday 12 March, President Emmanuel Macron announced the shutdown of universities as a result of the COVID19 outbreak (since declared a pandemic by the World Health Organization).

In the spirit of pedagogical continuity, we offer you in this article a set of resources that will allow you to continue learning from home.


Online courses, videos, podcasts, dedicated platforms… Nowadays, the possibilities for online learning are endless. This is why this list will be updated regularly throughout the lockdown. Do not hesitate to come back and check it out!

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)

Aix-Marseille University offers two MOOCs dedicated to neuroscience:

Here is a list of other available MOOCs:

  • “Reproducible research” on FUN (available in English and French). Discover the issues and challenges of reproducible research. At the end of this MOOC, you’ll learn more about reliable tools such as Markdown, DocFetcher, ExifTool, Gitlab and some computational netbooks (Jupyter, RStudio and Org-mode).
  • “Writing in the sciences” on Coursera (only available in English). This online course teaches scientists how to become more effective writers, using examples and practical exercises.
  • “Introduction to biomedical imaging” on edX (only available in English). Find out how medical imaging technologies complement each other and what information they provide to healthcare professionals.
  • “Fundamentals of Neuroscience” offered by Harvard (available only in English). This three-part course is intended for newcomers to the neurosciences.

In general, many free online courses are available on dedicated platforms such as France Université Numérique (in French), Coursera and edX (in English).

Learning a foreign language

We have also identified MOOCs to improve your level in English and French for foreign students:

FUN offers a series of 4 MOOCs to learn French as a foreign language:

Levels A1, A2, B1 etc. refer to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

Concerning language learning, we also recall that there is the AMUlangues service available to all university students via the ENT. Why not use it to prepare for the TOIEC?



Other digital resources

  • All content related to neuroscience produced by France Culture (available in French).
  • Blog’n’Brain:A participatory blog project that offers neuroscience students the opportunity to popularize their knowledge (available in French).
  • An interactive 3D model to represent the brain and the location of its different parts in space (available in English).
  • 3D Brain: a phone application available on Android and iOS to discover the brain and its different parts (available in English).
  • TED talks: online conferences on all subjects with the motto “Ideas worth spreading(broadcasted internationally and therefore available with a range of subtitles).
Fanny Trifilieff

After a double training in science-communication, and an internship at NeuroSchool in the summer of 2018, Fanny is now NeuroSchool's communications manager for the year 2019-2020.

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