NeuroSchool seminar: Jacques Balthazart
The biological bases of homosexuality
The biological bases of homosexuality
Seminar by Jacques Balthazart
GIGA Neurosciences, University of Liège, Belgium
The NeuroSchool PhD Program has invited Jacques Balthazart at INMED, Luminy Campus, to give a seminar on The biological bases of homosexuality on Monday, 13 May, 2024, at 11 am.
This seminar will present the results of biological research indicating that the effects of embryonic hormones, themselves under the partial control of genetic and possibly immunological factors, play a major role in determining sexual orientation (homo- versus heterosexuallity) in humans. We will first review animal studies formally demonstrating that many differences between males and females are the result of the action of testicular hormones during embryonic life. In a second stage, we will show that these same hormones are still present and active in the human species and determine morphological sex differences as well as behavioral differences between men and women. Finally, a third part will review clinical studies and various epidemiological studies which strongly suggest that these hormonal mechanisms also play an important role in determining human sexual orientation. This conclusion, which contrdicts other sociologial and psychological interpretations, indicates that being homosexual is not choice or inclination that could be avoided or treated in adultuhood. This should lead to wider acceptance of homosexuality in the population.
Friday, May 13, INMED conference room, Luminy campus
The schedule is as follows:
- 10:00 am – Discussion among students to discuss the papers – For PhD students only
- 11:00 am – Seminar – Open to all – INMED conference room
- 12:00 pm – Special discussion time with the speaker – For PhD students only
📢 PhD students: register on AMETICE and remember to sign the presence sheet in order for your hours to be counted. Attendants get 3 hours, chairpersons 4 hours.
The seminar can also be followed on Youtube, link available upon request.