Scientific event

Visit of the platforms at the NeuroMarseille day

NeuroMarseille proposes 5 technical platforms to visit for its NeuroMarseille day on June 28th 2022. Choose among the 5 platforms to visit during the "platform visit" workshop, and indicate your time slot preferences.

The 5 platforms to visit are:

  • Robotic Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation and Near Infrared Spectroscopy – platform manager: Régis Mancini (LPC)
  • Electrophysiologic and optogenetic animal behavior – platform manager: Pierre-Yves Jacob (LNC)
  • Skin sensation and Microneurography (Platform under installation) – platform manager: Rochelle Ackerley (LNC)
  • AMPIRIC: a pilot Pole of Innovation, Research and Teaching for Education – platform manager: Jonathan Mirault (INSPE)
  • Non-human primate platform / Rousset. Cognition and behavior of the primate – platform manager: Joel Fagot (LPC)

Please note that if you have chosen other activities than the visit of the platforms in the afternoon, you can participate in only one of the two planned sessions (3pm-4pm or 4pm-5pm). In this case, please indicate your choice by selecting only one visit out of the two sessions proposed below.

Also note that if you have signed up for the PTVR demonstration and/or professional photos, you will need to interrupt the tour for that. You can resume the tour afterward.

Choose among the 5 platforms to visit:

Visite plateformes NeuroMarseille Day

Session 1 [3pm - 4pm]
Session 2 [4pm - 5pm]

Visit details

The tours will take place at the LPC and LNC on the Saint-Charles campus, and will be guided by the very ones involved in the development of the platforms. The visits will take place in the afternoon from 3 to 5 pm, and are organized in 2 sessions for each platform: one session from 3 to 4 pm and another session from 4 to 5 pm.

The tours will allow you to examine the equipment and learn about the methods used on these platforms. The content of the presentations includes descriptions and explanations of how the platforms work, as well as the possibilities they bring to the field of research.


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