Christophe Leterrier
Honour roll, Special event

The winners of the 2021 photo competition: revealing the beauty of life

Discover the winning photos of the NeuroMarseille 2021 photo competition "revealing the beauty of life" in the neuroscience laboratories of Aix-Marseille University

NeuroMarseille invites you to a new adventure at the frontier between Science and Art

The first edition of the photo contest organized by the NeuroMarseille Institute was a success! We would like to thank all the amateur photographers, researchers in 8 of our laboratories (INP, INT, IBDM, LNC, INMED, INS, LPC, CRMBM) for their participation. Among the thirty or so works that were received and evaluated, 18 were classified – one photograph per artist. The first 10 works have been selected and will be exhibited shortly, those not selected will appear in the printed catalogue of the exhibition.

Congratulations to the 10 winning artists! The photos will be presented in exhibitions (early 2022)!

  1. « Autiste et nanoscope » by François Feron & Nicolas Brouilly (INP)
  2. « Modèle de Turing neuronaux » by Alberto Vergani (INT)
  3. « Sunshine in your head » by Marie Falque (IBDM)
  4. « HiU » by Christophe Leterrier (INP)
  5. « Induction d’une délétion génétique dans les tanycytes de l’hypothalamus chez la souris » by Manon Barbot (LNC)
  6. « A rainbow in the dark » by Thenzing Judá Silva Hurtado (INMED)
  7. « Circonvulations olfactives » by Sylvian Bauer (INMED)
  8. « Constellation synaptique » by Maxim Cazorla (INT)
  9. « Epileptic waves » by Sara Simula (INS)
  10. « Réaction inflammatoire » by Nada El Mahmoudi (LNC)

The pictures have been cropped for web use! Their original photos will be presented in a gallery in Marseille during 2022. 

Congratulations to the following artists for their participation, their photos will be presented in the exhibition catalogue

  1. « Sensations primaires » by Justine Facchini (LNC)
  2. « Research waste » by Philip Tsvetkov (INP)
  3. « Autisme et mitochondries » by Gaëlle Guiraudie Capraz (INP)
  4. « Neurons in the stars » by Angélique Puget (IBDM)
  5. « Imagerie de la vascularisation cérébrale » by Teodora-Adriana Perles-Barbaracu (CRMBM)
  6. « La baignade » by Jérémy Verneuil (INT)
  7. « Baboon family » by Yannick Becker (LPC/INT)
  8. « Variable density » by Laurent Perrinet (INT)


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Avatar de beatrice tourot
beatrice tourot

ihu quelle idee inspirante de nous donner la chance a nous ‘etranger’ de pouvoir prendre visuellement connaissance avec ce monde qui est nous memes, c’est a dire un replica de notre petit si grandiose cosmos a l image de l Infini. Oserais je faire un raprochement avec l Intention Educative ainsi apportee au ‘commun des mortels’ par les programmes spatiaux presentes dans la media en angleterre par Prof Brian Cox (astophysicist /Manchester University/UK ) .
merci ihu.

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