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Neurobinar #5 : February 18th at 4pm on Zoom

For this second neurobinar of 2021, come and discover the work of Pierre-Yves Jacob (LNC), Lucas Goirand-Lopez (INMED) and Dominic Bingham (INP). Register on this page to receive the webinar connection link.

Want to take a break to get to know your colleagues?

On February 18 at 4 pm, come and discover the work of Pierre-Yves Jacob (LNC), Lucas Goirand-Lopez (INMED) and Dominic Bingham (INP). Dominic Bingham and Lucas Goirand-Lopez will introduce their respective PhD in a cross-presentation. After a question session for PhD students, Pierre-Yves Jacob will share with us his research on the brain network underlying spatial navigation (displacement, orientation) in complex environments.


A one-hour web-conference in 2 parts: two PhD students will give a 10 min cross-presentation of their PhD work. After 5 min of questions, they will hand over to a researcher, a postdoc or an engineer from the neuroscience community who will present in 20 min an accessible version of their research. Once again, you will have the opportunity to ask questions, debate on the topic of the day or simply get to know your colleague better!

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The "Zoomers" of 18 February

Log in and learn more about the PhD of Dominic Bingham (INP) presented by Lucas Goirand-Lopez (INMED) and vice versa. The presentation of both PhDs will be followed by the presentation of the work of Pierre-Yves Jacob (LNC). You will also have the opportunity to ask your questions and review the Neurobinar on our YouTube Channel.

Revoir les neurobinars passés

Pierre-Yves Jacob


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Pierre-Yves Jacob completed his academic education at the Aix-Marseille University, which he pursued with a PhD at the Laboratory of Cognitive Neurosciences (LNC). During his PhD, he was interested in the role of the median entorhinal cortex in the cerebral processes of spatial navigation using behavioral, pharmacogenetics and electrophysiological recordings approaches in awake and freely moving rodents. Then, he did a post-doc at the University College of London during which he identified and characterized spatial activities of retrosplenial cortex neurons when rodents move in connected spaces. Back in Marseille, he did a second post-doc and then obtained a “chargé de recherche” position at the CNRS in the Spatial Cognition team of the LNC. His research seeks to describe the cerebral network underlying spatial navigation that allows us to navigate in complex environments, such as connected spaces or goals.

Dominic Bingham

Dominic first graduated with a Bachelor’s degree in biology from Sheffield Hallam University before graduating with a Master’s degree in Translational Neuroscience from the University of Sheffield. Dominic began his PhD in Marseille thanks to the scholarship offered by NeuroSchool (formerly ICN PhD Program). He works on his PhD, entitled “The Role of Actin at the Presynapse”, as part of the NeuroCyto team at the Institute of Neurophysiopathology (INP). The project is supervised by Dr Christophe Leterrier and Dr Marie-Jeanne Papandreou.

Lucas Goirand-Lopez

After a preparatory class at Centrale Marseille in Chemistry and Sustainable Processes, he started a work-linked training at Mediterranean Neurobiology Institute (Inmed) in neural network studies from 2016 to 2019. In 2019, he begins his PhD entitled "Impact of kainate receptors on the network activity of the epileptic dentate gyrus: in silico study by modelling", co-directed by Valérie Crépel and Thomas Marissal.

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