Deux neurones enregistrés en patch-clamp sur une tranche d’hippocampe © AMU/INSERM Sylvain Rama (UNIS)

Ion Channel and Synaptic Neurobiology

The Ion Channel and Synaptic Neurobiology Laboratory or UNIS (INSERM – Aix-Marseille University, UMR 1072) is focused on the role of ion channels in neuronal signaling, plasticity and diseases of the nervous system.

Group 1 (D. Debanne) studies the neuronal physiology of small neuron circuits. Four topics are addressed: 1) Mechanisms of induction and expression of the plasticity of neuronal excitability, 2) Role of axonal ion channels in synaptic transmission, 3) Plasticity of long-term synaptic transmission and 4) Synaptic transmission in the cerebellum.

Group 2 (O. El Far) is studying the molecular mechanisms of neurotransmitter release and intrinsic excitability. Three project are tackled by the group: 1) synaptic transmission modulation by subunits of the vesicular V-ATPase, 2) control of neuronal excitability by the protein LGI1 and 3) activity and receptors of botulinum neurotoxins.

Group 3 (J.M. Goaillard) is analyzing the molecular and cellular mechanisms that underlie the robustness of neuronal firing in the substantia nigra.

Pictures from the UNIS laboratory

Research Teams

UNIS’s researchers focus on the role of ion channels in neuronal signalling, plasticity and diseases of the nervous system.

Dynamics of neuronal excitability and epilepsy


A large part of our research activity is devoted to characterizing interactions between synaptic and intrinsic plasticity. We established that learning rules defined for synaptic transmission are valid for plasticity of dendritic integration in CA1 pyramidal neurons. We demonstrated that GABAergic interneurons also express plasticity of intrinsic excitability. We are exploring i) the activity-dependent regulation of Kv1 channels, ii) the mechanisms underlying intrinsic plasticity induced in parallel with synaptic long-term depression and iii) the role of intrinsic plasticity in amblyopia.

We are also exploring the factors determining neuronal synchronization at two strategic points: the synapse and the axon initial segment. We established that the synaptic delay depends on release probability and presynaptic spike waveform. Thus, synaptic delay is modified during several forms of short- and long-term synaptic plasticity.
We also demonstrated the role of voltage trajectories preceding the spike in temporal precision of spike firing. We also explore the role of inhibitory synaptic activity in the precision of neuronal discharge.

Finally, our work also examines how voltage-gated ion channels in the axon determine information processing in hippocampal and neocortical circuits. We aim to determine the axonal mechanisms of analog-digital modification of synaptic strength.

Team leader

DEBANNE Dominique  Total : 3 HDRs.


  • Molecular biology
  • Cell culture
  • Immunostaining, histology, flow cytometry
  • Microscopy
  • Calcium imaging
  • Electrophysiology (on slices or cells)
  • Animal surgery, stereotaxy
  • Pharmacology
  • Modeling
  • Immunostaining, histology, flow cytometry
  • Electrophysiology (on slices or cells)
  • Animal behavior
  • Optogenetics

Research axes

  1. Intrinsic plasticity
  2. Synaptic plasticity in the hippocampus
  3. Axon physiology
  4. Synaptic transmission in the cerebellum


Synaptic plasticity, initial segment, intrinsic plasticity, time, synaptic transmission, ion channels, hippocampus, cortex, amblyopia

  • Computational Neuroscience
  • Disorders Of The Nervous System
  • Excitability, Synaptic Transmission, Network Functions
  • Sensory Systems

Molecular mechanisms of neurotransmitter release


We are interested in 3 parallel research axes:

  1. We are particularly interested in the implication of the V-ATPase subunits “V0c” and “V0d” in the modulation of neurotransmitter release.
  2. We are interested in studying the effect of LGI1 and its autoantibodies on the regulation of Kv1 channel expression and the consequences on neuronal excitability and synaptic transmission.
  3. Through cellular biology, biochemistry and modeling approaches we aim at deciphering the molecular mechanisms that govern the recognition of botulinum neurotoxins by their neuronal receptors.

Team leader

EL FAR Oussama  Total : 4 HDRs.


  • Molecular biology
  • Biochemistry
  • Cell culture
  • Immunostaining, histology, flow cytometry
  • Microscopy
  • Pharmacology

Research axes

  1. Synaptic transmission modulation by subunits of the vesicular V-ATPase
  2. Control of neuronal excitability by the protein LGI1 (Leucine-rich Glioma-Inactivated 1)
  3. Activity and Receptors of Botulinum Neurotoxins


Synapse, membrane fusion, exocytosis, synaptic vesicles, neurotransmitter release, protein complexes, Botulinum neurotoxins

  • Excitability, Synaptic Transmission, Network Functions
  • Novel Methods And Technology Development

Robustness of excitability


Our work focuses on the molecular mechanisms underlying the robustness of neuronal activity. A number of studies have demonstrated that neurons are able to maintain stable pattens of activity in spite of the numerous internal and external perturbations they are constantly submitted to. Pharmacological manipulation or sensory deprivation experiments have shown that synaptic and ion channel properties are dynamically regulated in order to maintain a stable level of activity (for review see Turrigiano, Cell, 2008). Moreover, a growing number of studies have demonstrated that the chronic deletion of ion channels (KO animals) might only slightly alter neuronal activity (see for instance Swensen & Bean, J. Neurosci. 2005), illustrating the ability of neurons to compensate for the random mutations that spontaneously occur in the genome. It seems rather obvious that this stability depends on the dynamic regulation of the numerous ion channel subtypes (ligand-gated or voltage-gated) responsible for neuronal activity.

Team leader

GOAILLARD Jean-Marc  Total : 3 HDRs.


  • Molecular biology (PCR…)
  • Biochemistry (Western blot…)
  • Cell culture
  • Immunostaining, histology, flow cytometry
  • Microscopy
  • Pharmacology
  • Bioinformatics

Research axes

  1. Robustness of pacemaking to biophysical variability
  2. Transcriptome to phenotype mapping


Homeostatic plasticity, robustness, ion channels, electrophysiology, transgenic animals, single-cell transcriptomics.

  • Computational Neuroscience
  • Development Of The Nervous System 
  • Disorders Of The Nervous System
  • Excitability, Synaptic Transmission, Network Functions
  • Motor Systems
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