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NeuroMarseille day: exceptional gathering of the community

NeuroMarseille invites the neuroscience community on Thursday, September 5, 2024, for a scientific and convivial gathering day: no better way to put the institute's actions into perspective!

Once a year, let's all meet!

Throughout the year, NeuroMarseille reinforces the visibility and interconnection of neuroscience in Marseille: European partnerships, grants dedicated to innovative and collaborative research, actions for and by students, and animation of the community with events… This dynamic has led us to a good level of cohesion and competence. Once a year, we are delighted to bring the community together for an enriching day. For this 3rd annual day, the highlight is undoubtedly the lecture by Prof John F. Cryan, from the Department of Anatomy & Neuroscience of Cork University (Ireland). However, we bet you’ll also be interested in a wide range of workshops, debates and short seminars such as “Emerging projects and future research funding by NeuroMarseille” or “What neuroscience has to offer athletes and vice versa”. This event is meant to be a friendly one. At this rare moment, the whole neuroscientific community of Marseille can meet: the lunch buffet offered by our Timone laboratories (CRMBM, INT, INS and INP) will be the place to enjoy each other’s company. The students we welcome as part of our NeuroSchool programme are not to be outdone: some are part of the organisation, especially for the soiree! While a meeting with Prof. Cryan is specially dedicated to them, they are invited to participate in the other day’s events.

📅  September 5, 2024 – 8:30 am to 6:30 pm
📍 Timone campus


To end the day on a festive note, an evening of informal and friendly exchanges will bring this unique day to a close.

📅  September 5, 2024 – 7:00 pm to 11:30 pm
📍 Zoumaï – 7 Cours Gouffé, 13006 Marseille


Let's meet on the Timone campus

Welcome desk in the "Grand Hall" of the principal buiding

Important information

Note that, for obvious logistical reasons, you have to register (form below): the sooner the better!

If not marked “EN”, workshops are in French: conferences are in English.

Please have a look at the program below.

Conferences or workshop rooms will be allocated based on registrations and therefore will be specified later. Please help us organize the day: register now!

Download the program

Program at a glance

8:30 am - 9:00 amWelcome desk. Get your name tag, vouchers for the buffets and permanent refreshment.EN/FRMain hall
9:00 am - 11:00 am"How to communicate about your animal facilities": Animal experimentation skills maintenanceENRegister using the form belowToga amphitheater
9:00 am - 11:00 amPrise de parole en public: posture, attitude, phrases clefs par un coach professionelFRRegister using the form belowInformation coming soon
9:00 am - 11:00 amPublic speaking: posture, attitude, critical phrases by a former MT180 international winnerENRegister using the form belowInformation coming soon
9:00 am - 11:00 amCPP et études cliniques: "Règles générales, cas particuliers et présentation croisée de l'AP-HM et de la nouvelle unité CLINT"FRRegister using the form belowInformation coming soon
9:00 am - 10:30 amBack to school meeting for new L3 studentsFRRoom 6-001, Saint-Charles campus
9:00 am - 11:00 amCore facilities tour: 1- IRM-INT (Cerimed) 2- Health Improvement through Physical Exercise (HIPE) 3- PINT (Molecular Interaction in NeuroScience) 4- Virtual BrainENRegister using the form belowPlans and schedule will be given at the welcome desk
9:30 am - 10:15 amMeeting between M2 and PhD students to prepare for the encounter with John CryanENPhD students must register on Ametice Information coming soon
10:15 am - 11:15 amMeeting between students and John CryanENRegister using the form belowInformation coming soon
11:30 am - 12:30 pmKeynote conference: Prof. John Cryan "Gut Feelings: The Microbiome as a Key Regulator of Brain & Behaviour Across the Lifespan“ENNo registration needed, enough places for allToga amphitheater
12:30 pm - 2:00 pmLunch buffetany language you likeRegister using the form belowInformation coming soon
12:30 pm - 5:00 pmProfessional photosFR/ENRegister using the form belowOutside
1:30 pm - 2:30 pm (4:30 for students)Posters: students from L3 to PhD and postdocs present their work to the entire community, then special activity for students (until 4:30)ENPost-doc register using the form below. Students via Information coming soon
2:00 pm - 6:00 pmBicycle maintenance and repairsFRRegister using the form belowOutside, in front of the yellowish bulding (bât. pédagogique)
3:00 pm - 5:00 pm"Emerging projects" followed by a debate about the future of Research Funding by NeuroMarseille: come and have your sayENNo registration needed, enough places for allToga amphitheater
4:30 pm - 5:30 pmSurprise snackany language you likeRegister using the form belowInformation coming soon
5:30 pm - 6:30 pm"What neuroscience has to offer athletes and vice versa" followed by a debate with professional athletesENNo registration needed, enough places for allToga amphitheater
7:00 pm - 11:30 amNeuroMarseille evening partyany language you like!Register using the form belowZouma

Escape game

“2064 vous êtes en présence de la réplique parfaite d’un cerveau humain, mais…” (FR)

Only 8 places per session: register NOW using the form below.

1 hour session

8:30 - 9:30 am

9:30 - 10:30 am

10:30 - 11:30 am
Escape GameFRBât.pédagogique (yellow) S. 107
2:00 - 3:00 pm

3:00 - 4:00 pm

4:00 - 5:00 pm

Escape GameFRBât.pédagogique (yellow) S. 107


Keynote lecture by Prof. John F. Cryan

11:30 am – 12:30 pm – Toga

Gut Feelings: The Microbiome as a Key Regulator of Brain & Behaviour Across the Lifespan“

ABSTRACT: The microbiota-gut-brain axis is emerging as a research area of increasing interest for those investigating the biological and physiological basis of neurodevelopmental, age-related and neuropsychiatric disorders. The routes of communication between the gut and brain include the vagus nerve, the immune system, tryptophan metabolism, via the enteric nervous system or via  microbial metabolites such as short chain fatty acids. Studies in animal models have been key in delineating that neurodevelopment and the programming of an appropriate stress response is dependent on the microbiota. Developmentally, a variety of factors can impact the microbiota in early life including mode of birth delivery, antibiotic exposure, mode of nutritional provision, infection, stress as well as host genetics.   Stress can significantly impact the microbiota-gut-brain axis at all stages across the lifespan. Moreover, animal models have been key in linking  the regulation of fundamental brain processes ranging from adult hippocampal neurogenesis to myelination to microglia activation by the microbiome. Finally, studies examining the translation of these effects from animals to humans are currently ongoing. Further studies will focus on understanding the mechanisms underlying such brain effects and developing nutritional and microbial-based psychobiotic intervention strategies and how these interact with various systems in the body across the lifespan.

Note: Prof. John F. Cryan has accepted to be part of the NeuroSchool tutored seminars for PhD and M2 students. Interested PhD students can register for the 3 sessions of the tutored seminar on their AMETICE space by following this link. M2 students can prepare the seminar by reading these papers.

  • Schedule :
    • 9:30 am – Discussion among students to discuss Prof. Cryan’s papers – location indicated soon
    • 10:15 am – Special discussion time between Prof. Cryan and the students – location indicated soon
    • 11:30 am – 12:30 pm – seminar – open to all – Toga amphitheater

Emerging Research Projects of NeuroMarseille’s laboratories


Debate about the future of research funding by NeuroMarseille

Come and have your say!

3:00 pm – 5:00 pm – Toga Amphitheater

Moderation: Olivier Manzoni and Paolo Gubellini

  • “Repairing nerves with extracellular vesicles – nErVe” by Mostafa Seblani (INP)
  • “Effect of biscriptuality on graphomotor coordination dynamics” by Marieke Longcamp (CRPN)
  • “Molecular diversity of striatal cholinergic interneurons: implications for autism spectrum disorder” by Laurent Fasano (IBDM) and Natalia Popa (INT)
  • “Evaluation of interindividual variability in working memory performance A cross-species comparison” by Caroline Chambon (CRPN) and Nicolas Claidière (CRPN)
  • “Using a multisensory-integration approach to probe the interplay between language and visuo-motor processes during reading” by Laurence Mouchnino (CRPN) and Françoise Vitu (CRPN)

Debate animation by Guillaume Masson

  • Should we keep on going with ICR funding?


“What neuroscience has to offer athletes and vice versa”




Raphaelle SCHLIENGER, 3 times finalist in the French swimming championships, now PhD student at CRPN,

Laura FAUVARQUE, professional handball player monitored by the HIPE platform.

Debate animation by Christophe Leterrier

  • What about “neurodoping”

5:30 pm – 6:30 pm – Toga amphitheater 



 9:00 – 11:00 am

  • Animal experimentation 

Ivan Balansard – “How to communicate about your animal facilities”

This session may allow you to validate one hour of animal skill maintenance. Remember to sign the presence sheet!

  • Prise de parole en public

Olivier ChabrolPosture, attitude, phrases-clefs: quand la science apprend du théâtre

  • Public speaking: posture

Maud Gratuze, – Attitude and critical phrases: when science learns from theater

  • CPP et études cliniques

Fabrice Bartolomei – Brève présentation des activités de recherche clinique du pôle neurosciences de l’AP-HM

Sophie Tardoski – Rôle de la DRC à l’AP-HM

Samantha Nieilson (à confirmer) – Au service des laboratoires “neuro”: la nouvelle cellule CPP d’AMU: CLINT

  • Tour of 4 technological core facilities

Jean-Luc AntonIRM-INT

The Centre IRM-INT is a platform :
– specialized in Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord): structural and quantitative imaging, diffusion imaging (structure of the white matter), functional imaging (measurement of brain activity during periods of rest or the completion of behavioral tasks), Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (MRS: quantification of metabolites)
– dedicated to fundamental, clinical (healthy subjects and patients) and preclinical research (non-human primates: macaque, baboon, marmoset)
– equipped with a latest-generation 3 Tesla MRI system (Siemens-Prisma: ultra-high-performance gradients and radiofrequency chains), a mock-scanner for training subjects and an MRI-compatible, state-of-the-art, versatile and adaptive bench for stimulating and recording the subject’s behavioral and physiological data in real time
– offering a complete range of services, from protocol design to acquisition and data analysis support: physical aspects of MRI, instrumentation, methodologies, data analysis and statistics
– also able to support research projects in other disciplines (e.g. abdominal, muscular and pneumological imaging)
– actively involved in training at Masters (Neurosciences, Cognitive Sciences) and doctoral level, as well as in engineering schools (Centrale, Mines)

Arnaud Hays HIPE

Comprehensive, state-of-the-art equipment covering body composition (bone, muscle, water, fat…) and dynamic and systematic functional assessments (strength, speed, endurance…) as well as metabolic, behavioral, biological marker and imaging assessments. It also includes innovative facilities such as the climatic and calorimetric chamber, due for delivery in January 2024; ballistic ergometers; and a force/speed machine as a medical device.

Géraldine FerracciPINT

The Timone Molecular Interactions Platform (PINT) offers unique expertise in the thermodynamic and kinetic analysis of molecular interactions, in the characterization and stability of molecular complexes in all fields of biology (neurology, oncology, immunology, microbiology, etc.). It comprises 4 complementary poles (Microcalorimetry; Surface Plasmon Resonance; Analytical Ultracentrifugation; Mass Spectrometry) which enable us to characterize all types of molecular interactions (proteins, DNA, RNA, sugars, lipids, small molecules, peptides, proteoliposomes, viral particles, etc.).

Mira Didic (to be confirmed) – VIRTUAL BRAIN

The Virtual Brain (TVB) is a neuroinformatics platform which enables researchers to simulate in silico brain activity, based on an individual’s neuroimaging data. Structural data such as the brain structure and connectivity is loaded, a model is configured and TVB then produces simulated functional neuroimaging data such as EEG or fMRI, which can be compared with the data acquired for the individual. This comparison allows interpreting key features of the data in terms of model parameters, allowing researchers to test hypothetical mechanisms underwriting brain activity. The models can be further integrated with many machine learning approaches to tackle novel challenges and large datasets.


Visit posters presented by our students (from L3 to PhD) and postdocs

Everyone is invited to talk with students and postdocs about their research projects in front of their posters – 1:30 to 2:30 pm – Main hall


Special activity for students to get to know each other and the Timone campus – 2:30 to 4:30 pm

Closure of the NeuroMarseille Day

Evening party

7:00 pm – 11:30 pm – ZOUMAI

What better way to end the day than to continue debating, proposing a new collaboration with colleagues who presented their latest results, congratulating students for their presentation, or talking with our prestigious guest?! You can also simply relax and share a drink at the Zoumai bar. Take advantage of it, and register early!



Inscription NeuroMarseille day 2024

Contact details

Your lab: *

Morning: workshop session

Speaking workshops *
Other workshops *
Register for the visit of 4 technological core facilities : 1- CERIMED (IRM) 2- HIPE (Health Improvement through Physical Exercise) 3- PINT (Molecular Interaction in NeuroScience) 4- Virtual Brain *

Posters session 1:30 - 2:30 pm

Take the opportunity to present your poster to the community: indicate here what level you were when realizing it

Students and postdocs meeting

Would you like to take part in the afternoon's activities ?


Buffet *
Snack *
Evening (dinner at your own expense ) *

Nurse your bike! 2:00 - 6:00 pm

A bike repairer will be present on the Timone campus for NeuroMarseille cyclists! *

Professional photo 12:30 - 5:30 pm

For your CV, your team webpage or just a souvenir of your time at NeuroMarseille *

Escape Game - groups of 8 people, 1h each

As places are limited for the escape game sessions, register for the time slots that suit you and we will make a draw.