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NeuroMarseille and the AP-HM Clinical Neuroscience Unit are organising a themed evening on September 24: this first session will focus on epilepsy.

AP-HM Pôle Neurosciences cliniques and NeuroMarseille joint conferences:

Session one: EPILEPSY

2 AP-HM clinicians:

Post-traumatic stress disorder in epilepsy: multidirectional links” by Lisa Soncin, PhD (Epileptology Department)

“The post-ictal state: electrophysiology and clinical consequences” by Flavius Bratu, PhD student (INS)

2 NeuroMarseille researchers :

“Rythmopathies in developmental encephalopathies with epilepsies: causes or consequences?” by Pierre-Pascal Lenck-Santini, PhD (INMED)

“The virtual epileptic patient: using computational models for clinical practice”

by Jan Paul Triebkorn, PhD student (INS)


To continue the discussions, the conferences will be followed by a buffet.


Neuro-thematic evening


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