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Neurobinar #15 : December 13th at 1pm on Zoom

For this fifteenth Neuro'binar, join us online and discover the work of Nicolas WANAVERBECQ (INT), Ciaran BUTLER-HALLISSEY (INP), and Jihan GADACHA (MMG). Register on this page to receive the link to the webinar.

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On December 13th at 1pm, join us online and discover the work of Nicolas Wanaverbecq (INT), Ciaran Butler-Hallissey (INP), and Jihane Gadacha (MMG). Ciaran and Jihane will each present the other’s doctoral project in a cross-presentation. After a question and answer session with the PhD students, Nicolas will share with us the progress of his research.


The conference takes place online for one hour. It is composed of two parts: first, two PhD students give a 10-minute cross-presentation, each on the other’s thesis topic. After 5-10 min of questions, they pass the stage to a researcher, postdoc or engineer from the neuroscience community who presents an accessible version of their research in 20 min. Again, a question and answer session follows the presentation, and this is an opportunity to question the researcher, debate the topic of the day and get to know your colleagues better!

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The speakers on December 13

Log in and discover the thesis project of Ciaran Butler-Hallissey (INP), and Jihane Gadacha (MMG). The presentation of the two PhD students will be followed by the presentation of Nicolas Wanaverbecq’s work (INT). You will also have the opportunity to ask questions and review the Neurobinar on our YouTube channel.

Learn more about our guests with a summary of their background, bibliography and contact information.

Spinal neurons in contact with the cerebrospinal fluid a novel interoceptive sensory system in mammals by Nicolas Wanaverbecq

Nicolas Wanaverbecq obtained his PhD in Pharmacology and Neuroscience in 2001 at University College London (UCL) under the supervision of Prof. David A Brown and studied at the cellular level the mechanisms regulating calcium homeostasis in neurons. From 2002 to 2007, he did two post-doctoral fellowships at the Institute of Neurology, UCL London, and then at the Biozentrum of the University of Basel in Switzerland. In 2007, he was appointed Senior Lecturer in Neurophysiology, at the University Paul Cézanne of St Jérôme (U3), in the research group of Prof. Jérôme Trouslard. In 2010, in collaboration with this last one, he developed an innovative research project aiming at characterizing in mammals the physiology and function of neurons in contact with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF-cNs) around the central medullo-spinal canal. From 2012 to 2019, Nicolas was a member of the National Committee of Universities in Neuroscience (CNU 69) and Lecturer in Neuroscience in the Department of Biology and for the PhD program in Neuroscience. In 2017, he was appointed Maître de Conférences Hors Classe, obtained his habilitation to direct research (HDR) in 2018 and joined the Institut de Neurosciences de la Timone (INT) to create his independent research group, the Spinal Cord and CSF interface (SpiCCI) team. Over the years, NW has gained a strong technical and scientific background in neuroscience and neurophysiology, as well as worldwide recognition, teaching at prestigious electrophysiology summer schools (Plymouth, Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory) since 2013. In his career, he has been the recipient of numerous research awards (Hoffman LaRoche Foundation, La Ville de Marseille, CNRS-INSB, and A*Midex) as well as several ANR funding (2016, 2020, and 2021).

INT: team « SpiCCI »
Role of microtubules wear and repair in neurons par Ciaran Butler-Hallissey

Ciaran began his studies at the National University of Ireland, Galway, where he earned a Bachelor of Science and majored in human anatomy. He then worked in the university's anatomy department as an anatomy lab demonstrator teaching anatomy to science and Medicine students. Afterwards, he moved to Turku, Finland, to pursue a master's degree in biomedical imaging at the University of Turku. After his master's degree, he worked for 3 years in the imaging facility of Turku Bioscience as a research engineer. Subsequently, while looking for a PhD in Europe, Ciaran found the ideal position at the Neurocyto laboratory of the Institute of Neurophysiopathology (INP) in Marseille, where his project involves advanced microscopy methods. Indeed, Ciaran is particularly interested in imaging and microscopy (fluorescence, electron microscopy), a field in which his internship, project and engineering experiences have given him a lot.

INP: team « NeuroCyto »
Study of the physiopathological mechanisms and development of a treatment for a new form of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease par Jihane Gadacha

While completing a Bachelor's degree in Life Sciences, "Physiology and Functional Genomics", Jihan discovered translational research applied to the study of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease, during a first internship at MMG (Marseille Medical Genetics), in the team "Genetics and physiopathology of hereditary peripheral neuropathies" directed by Dr Valérie DELAGUE. She continued with a Master's degree in Health Biology, specializing in "Human and Medical Genetics", at Aix-Marseille University, during which she did two other internships in the same group. Her current thesis project is taking place at the MMG in the "Translational Neuromyology" team directed by Dr Marc BARTOLI, and is a continuation of her Master 2 internship.

MMG: team « Neuromyologie Translationnelle »
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