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Career and networking Special event Workshop

Patent Shaker 2022: discover the world of business!

The NeuroSchool workshop "Patent Shaker" is a 2-days long experiment to discover the world of business. Intended for Neuroschool students from all level, the workshop will take place on June 16 (online round table) and then on June 20-21, 2022, at Saint Charles.

Patent Shaker: what is it?

It’s a workshop to learn about the world of business: simulate your business creation based on patents in neuroscience! It will take the form of a business creation competition open to students from NeuroSchool of all levels. At first, teams will be constituted during an online round table on June 16. Then, the experience will take place at Saint Charles over 2 days on June 20th and 21st, 2022. The groups of students will be supervised by multidisciplinary teams and retired coaches from the company, and the workshop will conclude with a final presentation before a jury of professionals.

Watch the presentation video

What are you waiting for ?

The Patent Shaker experience is a special opportunity to explore something other than the academic world and get a feel for the problematics of a business company, in the caring environment of NeuroSchool, which is proud of this initiative.

So, get a bit off the beaten track and explore the world of business: an original experience that will allow you to:

  • Discover how to create a company.
  • Meet researchers, entrepreneurs, and other inspired students: it’s the beginning of a network.
  • Discover many companies related to neuroscience.
  • Win prizes!
  • And that’s not all…

Register to the workshop on your AMETICE space, towards the

“Patent Shaker 2022” course ! 

If you can’t access the course, contact us!

Review of the 2018 edition

Read the article

Details about the workshop


For the 2022 edition, NeuroSchool is partnering with the AMU Faculty of Economics and Management, which will come with its students of the MIAGE master (Computer Methods Applied to Business Management). The operation is co-organized with Mrs Bénédicte Aldebert, chair of entrepreneurial legitimacy, who has a very interesting network of companies. From the Neuroschool side, the workshop will be supervised by Anne Kavounoudias, Director of NeuroSchool, Isabelle Virard, NeuroSchool Coordinator and Julie Koenig, Professionalization Manager.

Also note that:

  • The participation of PhD students will be credited with training hours.
  • Master 1 students who want to participate in the workshop will have to ask their internship supervisor for authorization.
  • The workshop will be in French.
  • Date and place of the workshop: June 16th at noon online, then 20th and 21st, 2022 on Saint-Charles campus.


Students, you are all welcome for this workshop,
We hope to see you soon!

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