• Cells & Network fonctions exploration
  • Cellular exploration
  • Cerebral functions
  • Molecular exploration

Molecular and Cellular Biology Platform (PBMC)

Molecular and Cellular Biology facility of INMED

The PBMC provides the scientific community with the technical means to carry out experiments in molecular and gene biology, biochemistry and cell biology. The team guarantees the operation of the 60 workstations and provides users with autonomy. The PBMC enables tools to be referenced and shared between teams. Support can be provided to build all or part of « customized » tests. The platform identifies your needs and develops new approaches as part of a continuous improvement process.


This platform has been awarded the Aix-Marseille Technology Platform label.


  • In silico Plasmidic Vector design and engineering
  • Westernblot (protein immunodetection)
  • Genotyping
  • Lineages Cell Culture
  • Primary Cell Culture
  • IPS Human Cells Culture
  • Quantitative PCR
  • Cell-Based Assays
  • Enzyme Activity Assays - Kinetic Reactions
  • ADN / ARN Extraction
  • Organotypic brain slices culture


  • L1 and L2 Culture rooms
  • G-Box
  • Light Cycler 480
  • Implen Nanophotomètre
  • Neon transfection system
  • EVOS FL Color
  • EVOS M5000


You are looking for a platform to train one or more staff on a particular technique or equipment?

Our platform staff can train all users for each workstation. On-site training is available.

Please contact the platform manager directly

Services submitted to charges

Do you have a project that requires an expertise, a technique or an equipment that you don’t have? You’re not looking for scientific collaboration, but for the expert who can meet your needs? Then you’ve come to the right place!

For your experiments, support can be provided to build all or part of the « tailor-made » tests. The platform manager will work with you to identify your needs and provide support.

Possible tests – non-exhaustive list:

– Genotyping, PCR, plasmid construction

– Transcriptional and protein expression studies (qPCR, Western Blot…)

– Line, primary and organotypic slice cultures (monitoring, transfections and analysis)

– Design, development and implementation of protocols with the project manager.

Fees are set annually for rodent genotyping. For all other services, estimates will be provided by the platform manager on request.

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