• Cells & Network fonctions exploration
  • Imaging
  • Neuroanatomy

iMAGing Center, InMagiC

Photonic Microscopy facility of INMED

The InMagiC platform is a microscopy service for imaging in vitro samples. It includes microscopes of several levels of technicality and covers samples from 1cm to less than one micrometer.


  • Transparization (tissue clearing )
  • Optical Microscopy


  • Brightfield Microscope
  • Epifluorescence Microscope
  • Image Analysis Workstation
  • LightSheet Microscope
  • 2-Photon Microscope
  • Confocal Microscope


You are looking for a platform to train one or more staff on a particular technique or equipment?

Our platform staff train all users for each microscope. They take part in (or organize) professional training courses for INSERM and CNRS staff. On-site training is also available.

The platform manager, François Michel made available a theoric training that you can find by clicking here!


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