• Cells & Network fonctions exploration
  • Data analysis & modeling
  • Neuroanatomy

Connecto-Vir / Neuro-Bio-Tools (Connecto-Vir / NBT)

Neurotropic viruses and neuroanatomy

The Connecto-Vir operational platform offers the neuroscience scientific community the opportunity to explore neuroanatomy in mammals (rodents and non-human primates) using neurotropic viral vectors (derived from the rabies virus) and auxiliary vectors (AAV, etc.). These anatomical studies combine a range of experimental approaches, including the use and injection of viruses, histological processing of tissues, light microscopy and image analysis. To carry out neuroanatomy projects, we collaborate with Neuro-VIR and INPHIM. Within our community, a large number of teams are carrying out neuroanatomy projects, and Connecto-Vir regularly organises information and working meetings with the various players


  • Cryostat section
  • Use of Retrograde Viral Vectors
  • Transparization (tissue clearing )


  • L2 and L3 lab


You are looking for a platform to train one or more staff on a particular technique or equipment?

Training is possible in stereotaxis and anatomical tracing techniques.

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