MSc incoming mobility 2024-25
Call for applicants until : Nov 17, 2024


Up to ten NeuroSchool scholarships (up to 1000 €/month) are offered each year to master students of our partner universities for mobility of at least 2 months within Aix-Marseille University.

These mobilities may include internships in laboratories affiliated to the Master of neurosciences at Aix-Marseille University.

They may also include teaching (depending on inter-university agreements).

Please note that the duration of mobilities which only include lab trainings and no teaching is now limited to 6 months. Mobilities including courses can last from 2 to 12 months.

These scholarships are entirely funded by NeuroSchool (nEURo*AMU, ANR-17-EURE-0029).

Provisional calendar

Next deadlines:

  • Sunday, November 17, 2024, for stays in Marseille in spring or summer (starting between mid-February and the end of August 2025).
  • Sunday, May 4th, 2025, for stays in Marseille in autumn or winter (with a start date between September 2025 and March 2026),

Attention! We encourage you to contact us and apply as soon as possible. Allow about 3 months of administrative formalities for mobility within Europe and more for mobility from outside Europe.

Here is an overview of the proceedings:

  • Information Campaign
  • Expression of Interest
  • Submission of applications
  • Screening and interview
  • Publication of results
  • Implementation of conventions
  • Beginning of mobilities
  • Monthly payment of scholarships from arrival in Marseille (allow several weeks in the beginning)

When publishing papers or presenting their research project in Marseille, laureates must indicate that their work has received support from the French government under the Programme “Investissements d’Avenir” (France 2030), Initiative d’Excellence d’Aix-Marseille Université via AMidex funding NeuroMarseille AMX-19-IET-004, and NeuroSchool ANR-17-EURE-0029

Eligibility criteria

WARNING: these scholarships are NOT intended for students from non-partner universities who would simply like to register for the AMU Master of neuroscience. If you are in this case, please consult the page on registration to the master.

To be eligible for NeuroSchool mobility grants, you must:

  • have a nationality other than French, or be a French student enrolled outside the Aix-Marseille Academy
  • possess, at the time of mobility, a Bachelor’s of Science (B. Sc.) degree in neuroscience or a related discipline
  • pursue (or intend to pursue if not yet registered), at the time of mobility, full-time studies at the Master (M.Sc.) level in neuroscience at one of our partner universities, namely :

– the University of Helsinki (Finland),
– the University of Oldenburg (Germany),
– Université de Montreal (UdeM, Canada),
– the University of Athens (Greece),
– the Université libre de Bruxelles (Belgium),
– University of Bucharest (Romania),
– the Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain),
– the University of Rome- Sapienza (Italy),
– University of Stockholm (Sweden),
– the University of Tübingen (Germany),
– the University of Glasgow (UK),
– Paris Lodron University of Salzburg (Austria),
– the University of Lausanne (Switerland).

  • have a good academic record
  • submit proof of your proficiency in English or French (B2 level required).


If you meet the eligibility requirements and wish to apply, the steps are as follows:

1. Show your interest to the person in charge of international cooperation for the master’s program: email Isabelle Virard

2. If you come to do an internship, consult the list of offers or more generally the list of research teams to find your future supervisor. Start contacting these teams now : send your CV and ask them for recent articles, reviews or theses, for example, specifying that you are preparing an application to our grants.

Note : a  given supervisor cannot host incoming trainees through NeuroSchool mobility grants simultaneously nor two years in a row. Check with the potential supervisors if it is the case.

3. If mobility involves courses, prepare a study contract in consultation with the people in charge of your degree and those in charge of the Aix-Marseille University neuroscience Master’s degree.

4. Prepare an application file (downloadable document below) and send it via the form with the additional documents indicated below (in a single pdf document).

5. Our jury will pre-select the best applications (evaluation criteria specified in the scorecard available in the documents available for download), then, if necessary, will interview (possibly remotely) the candidates for a final selection (to evaluate their language skills, intellectual curiosity and the relevance of their project).

6. The selected applications must then be validated by Aix-Marseille University and by the student’s home university.

7. Successful candidates provide other documents (bank details, insurance certificate, etc.) before their departure and register on the moveonline application (the link will be provided to laureates).


  • It is the student’s responsibility to verify that he or she has the necessary travel documents (passports, visas), to to check if the sanitary conditions allow the departure and to purchase his or her travel documents (airline tickets, etc.).
  • A certificate of attendance will be requested upon return from the stay abroad.
  • Consult AMU’s international relations page and your university’s international relations page for advice before you leave. In case this mobility project cannot be carried out, we recommend that you have a plan B (internship at your home university, for example).
  • If your research project includes experiments on animals, please discuss training and regulations with your future supervisor and the head of animal facilities at your host laboratory.

Application file and documents to be provided

The following documents must be all combined in a SINGLE pdf document, in French or English:

  • The application file to be completed, which can be downloaded below. It consists of 2 parts (A. Mobility project and B. Curriculum vitae).
  • University transcripts
  • Motivation letter presenting your personal and professional project: research interests, post-Master’s plans and career plans, how this project will contribute to achieving them…
  • If the mobility involves teaching: the study contract completed, validated and signed by the persons in charge of your programme and the AMU neuroscience Master’s degree.
  • Attestation of knowledge of English or French (if not your mother tongue)

Remember to also check the specific requirements of your home university!

Jury and additional information

The jury may be composed of the following members:

  • Prof. Nicolas Catz
  • Dr Christian Gestreau
  • Prof. Jean-Philippe Ranjeva
  • Dr Julie Koenig
  • Dr Riad Seddik
  • Dr Isabelle Virard

Its decisions are binding.

Additional information

  • For further information on these scholarships, please contact the NeuroSchool International Cooperation Officer:
    Isabelle Virard +33 (0)4 91 32 46 31
  • For other more general questions on international exchanges, see the A*Midex referent within AMU’s International Relations Department.

Prepare your arrival by consulting the AMU International Student Guide or the City of Marseille’s International Webpage.


The results will be announced after the selection.


Up to ten NeuroSchool scholarships (up to 1000 €/month) are offered each year to master students of our partner universities for mobility of at least 2 months within Aix-Marseille University.

These mobilities may include internships in laboratories affiliated to the Master of neurosciences at Aix-Marseille University.

They may also include teaching (depending on inter-university agreements).

Please note that the duration of mobilities which only include lab trainings and no teaching is now limited to 6 months. Mobilities including courses can last from 2 to 12 months.

These scholarships are entirely funded by NeuroSchool (nEURo*AMU, ANR-17-EURE-0029).

Provisional calendar

Next deadlines:

  • Sunday, November 17, 2024, for stays in Marseille in spring or summer (starting between mid-February and the end of August 2025).
  • Sunday, May 4th, 2025, for stays in Marseille in autumn or winter (with a start date between September 2025 and March 2026),

Attention! We encourage you to contact us and apply as soon as possible. Allow about 3 months of administrative formalities for mobility within Europe and more for mobility from outside Europe.

Here is an overview of the proceedings:

  • Information Campaign
  • Expression of Interest
  • Submission of applications
  • Screening and interview
  • Publication of results
  • Implementation of conventions
  • Beginning of mobilities
  • Monthly payment of scholarships from arrival in Marseille (allow several weeks in the beginning)

When publishing papers or presenting their research project in Marseille, laureates must indicate that their work has received support from the French government under the Programme “Investissements d’Avenir” (France 2030), Initiative d’Excellence d’Aix-Marseille Université via AMidex funding NeuroMarseille AMX-19-IET-004, and NeuroSchool ANR-17-EURE-0029

Eligibility criteria

WARNING: these scholarships are NOT intended for students from non-partner universities who would simply like to register for the AMU Master of neuroscience. If you are in this case, please consult the page on registration to the master.

To be eligible for NeuroSchool mobility grants, you must:

  • have a nationality other than French, or be a French student enrolled outside the Aix-Marseille Academy
  • possess, at the time of mobility, a Bachelor’s of Science (B. Sc.) degree in neuroscience or a related discipline
  • pursue (or intend to pursue if not yet registered), at the time of mobility, full-time studies at the Master (M.Sc.) level in neuroscience at one of our partner universities, namely :

– the University of Helsinki (Finland),
– the University of Oldenburg (Germany),
– Université de Montreal (UdeM, Canada),
– the University of Athens (Greece),
– the Université libre de Bruxelles (Belgium),
– University of Bucharest (Romania),
– the Autonomous University of Madrid (Spain),
– the University of Rome- Sapienza (Italy),
– University of Stockholm (Sweden),
– the University of Tübingen (Germany),
– the University of Glasgow (UK),
– Paris Lodron University of Salzburg (Austria),
– the University of Lausanne (Switerland).

  • have a good academic record
  • submit proof of your proficiency in English or French (B2 level required).


If you meet the eligibility requirements and wish to apply, the steps are as follows:

1. Show your interest to the person in charge of international cooperation for the master’s program: email Isabelle Virard

2. If you come to do an internship, consult the list of offers or more generally the list of research teams to find your future supervisor. Start contacting these teams now : send your CV and ask them for recent articles, reviews or theses, for example, specifying that you are preparing an application to our grants.

Note : a  given supervisor cannot host incoming trainees through NeuroSchool mobility grants simultaneously nor two years in a row. Check with the potential supervisors if it is the case.

3. If mobility involves courses, prepare a study contract in consultation with the people in charge of your degree and those in charge of the Aix-Marseille University neuroscience Master’s degree.

4. Prepare an application file (downloadable document below) and send it via the form with the additional documents indicated below (in a single pdf document).

5. Our jury will pre-select the best applications (evaluation criteria specified in the scorecard available in the documents available for download), then, if necessary, will interview (possibly remotely) the candidates for a final selection (to evaluate their language skills, intellectual curiosity and the relevance of their project).

6. The selected applications must then be validated by Aix-Marseille University and by the student’s home university.

7. Successful candidates provide other documents (bank details, insurance certificate, etc.) before their departure and register on the moveonline application (the link will be provided to laureates).


  • It is the student’s responsibility to verify that he or she has the necessary travel documents (passports, visas), to to check if the sanitary conditions allow the departure and to purchase his or her travel documents (airline tickets, etc.).
  • A certificate of attendance will be requested upon return from the stay abroad.
  • Consult AMU’s international relations page and your university’s international relations page for advice before you leave. In case this mobility project cannot be carried out, we recommend that you have a plan B (internship at your home university, for example).
  • If your research project includes experiments on animals, please discuss training and regulations with your future supervisor and the head of animal facilities at your host laboratory.

Application file and documents to be provided

The following documents must be all combined in a SINGLE pdf document, in French or English:

  • The application file to be completed, which can be downloaded below. It consists of 2 parts (A. Mobility project and B. Curriculum vitae).
  • University transcripts
  • Motivation letter presenting your personal and professional project: research interests, post-Master’s plans and career plans, how this project will contribute to achieving them…
  • If the mobility involves teaching: the study contract completed, validated and signed by the persons in charge of your programme and the AMU neuroscience Master’s degree.
  • Attestation of knowledge of English or French (if not your mother tongue)

Remember to also check the specific requirements of your home university!

Jury and additional information

The jury may be composed of the following members:

  • Prof. Nicolas Catz
  • Dr Christian Gestreau
  • Prof. Jean-Philippe Ranjeva
  • Dr Julie Koenig
  • Dr Riad Seddik
  • Dr Isabelle Virard

Its decisions are binding.

Additional information

  • For further information on these scholarships, please contact the NeuroSchool International Cooperation Officer:
    Isabelle Virard +33 (0)4 91 32 46 31
  • For other more general questions on international exchanges, see the A*Midex referent within AMU’s International Relations Department.

Prepare your arrival by consulting the AMU International Student Guide or the City of Marseille’s International Webpage.


The results will be announced after the selection.

Your information

Planned exchange

Current level of education at the time of mobility
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