Going abroad during your 2nd year of master's in neuroscience
Call for applicants closed Interview and/or deliberation closed Results announced

Outgoing mobility scholarship

In addition to the partnerships already put in place by AMU’s international relations service, AMU’s neuroscience courses have established exchange agreements directly with several foreign universities, where our students can do a laboratory placement and/or follow courses there:

Please note that the agreement with the Université de Montréal has not yet been renewed, so it is not a possible destination for 2023-24.

Since 2019, Master’s exchanges have also been possible with universities in the CIVIS alliance:

NeuroSchool scholarships (up to €1,000/month) are currently available for selected 2n-year (M2) Neuroscience students to spend at least 2 full months in partner universities abroad.

It is also possible to do a laboratory placement in a non-partner university. NeuroSchool scholarships do not apply in these cases, but other funding is possible: consult AMU’s International Relations Office. You can submit several applications to increase your chances of obtaining funding, but check whether or not they can be combined.

This exchange programme has received support from the French government as part of the “Investissements d’Avenir” programme, the University of Aix-Marseille’s Initiative of Excellence via A*Midex NeuroMarseille AMX-19-IET-004, and NeuroSchool ANR-17-EURE-0029.


To be eligible, you must:

  • Be an AMU student in M2 neuroscience, at the time of mobility
  • Have a good academic record
  • Provide proof of your proficiency in English (TOEFL, TOEIC, certificate from your English teacher, etc.), in accordance with the requirements of the host university (generally level B2).


If you meet the eligibility criteria and would like to apply, please follow these steps.

  1. Express your interest by sending an e-mail to NeuroSchool’s International Cooperation Manager: Isabelle Virard.
  2. Consult the list below of research teams offering internships (in order of preference) and start contacting these teams now, or other teams if they are attached to a partner university. Send your CV and ask for recent articles, reviews or theses, for example, specifying that you are preparing an application for our grants. The more specific your project, the greater your chances of obtaining a grant!
  3. Prepare an application file (downloadable Word document below) and send it with the additional documents listed below (in a single pdf document) before the deadline (see calendar below).
  4. Our jury will pre-select the best applications (evaluation criteria specified below), then interview candidates for final selection (to assess their language skills, intellectual curiosity and the relevance of their project).
  5. Successful applications will then be sent to the host university for validation.
  6. Before departure, successful candidates provide other documents (bank statement, insurance certificate, etc.) and register on AMU’s moveonline application.


  • To ensure that as many students as possible benefit from these grants, they cannot be combined with other mobility grants (PRAME, ERASMUS, etc.), except those awarded on the basis of social criteria.
  • Some cities, such as Helsinki or Montreal, have several universities, but NeuroSchool only finances exchanges with our partner universities.
  • It is the student’s responsibility to check that he/she has the necessary travel documents (passports, visas: beware, Glasgow is no longer part of the Schengen area since the Brexit!), to check that health and political conditions allow departure, and to purchase his/her travel tickets (plane, train…).
  • A certificate of attendance will be requested on return from your stay abroad.
  • Consult AMU’s international relations page for advice before you leave.
  • Plan B: if your mobility project is likely to change due to the global health or political situation, we can only recommend that you prepare a “plan B”.

Host teams at our partner universities

The lists below are not exhaustive and are constantly evolving. You can also consult this directory of neuroscience training programs offered by members of the CIVIS European University, which provides links to their associated laboratories. If you are interested in a laboratory, contact it and tell it that you are applying for NeuroSchool outgoing mobility grants.


Several Finnish researchers have offered to host AMU trainees in the past, in particular those from the Neuroscience Center:

as well as researchers from other institutes, including :

Contact them if you would like to take part in their research project.


At Oldenbourg, the following neuroscience and neuropsychology laboratories offer to host AMU students:

Please do not hesitate to contact them for information about their research and availability.

*Please note that you must have passed the “lab animal science course” or equivalent before you can work on animals.

**Only open to trainees with EEG experience.


In Tübingen, the following academics are enthusiastic about hosting our students:

Here is a list of neuroscience laboratories at the University of Tübingen:

You may also watch the videos of the tripartite symposium in January 2022, where researchers from Tübingen presented their research alongside researchers from Marseille and Rome. Link to the YouTube channel.


Dr Philippe Peigneux and Dr Axel Cleeremans‘s teams have already welcomed trainees from AMU.

Visit the ULB Neuroscience Institute website or the CRCN website to find out about other host teams.


You can contact the researchers listed on this site or the following researchers to find out about their research and availability:


Consult this research teams site, in particular to find researchers in the Department of Psychology or the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics.

Be careful not to confuse this university with the Karolinska Institute, another major institution in the same city.


See these research projects.

Students from NeuroSchool have completed internships in Rome under the direction of Patrizia Campolongo and Massimiliano Renzi.

You mays also watch the videos of the tripartite symposium in January 2022, where researchers from Rome La Sapienza presented their research alongside researchers from Marseille and Tübingen. Link to the YouTube channel.


Visit this Master of Neurobiology website: the associated research teams work in the departments of anatomy, animal physiology and biophysics.


Visit this training site and this laboratory site. Other options may exist but it’s up to you to find them!


Glasgow joined the CIVIS alliance and welcomed its first trainees from Marseille, who worked in the summer of 2022 under the direction of Emily S. Cross and Michael Kohl, and is preparing to welcome another in the summer of 2023, under the direction of Gregory Weir. We are also in contact with Mick Craig. We invite you to find out more about the rest of the psychology and neuroscience laboratories.


Salzburg is a new CIVIS partner; we have not yet exchanged students with the cognitive neuroscience laboratories. It’s up to you to explore them!


We are not yet in contact with neuroscientists at the University of Lausanne. You can explore the website of the Department of Fundamental Neuroscience. Be careful not to confuse this university with the EPFL, another major institution in the same city.

Application form and required documents

The application form can be downloaded here (in French). English version here.

It comprises 2 parts (A. Mobility project and B. Curriculum vitae). Prefer the French version for French-speaking destinations and the English version for non-French-speaking destinations.

You will need to attach the following documents (all combined in a single pdf document):

  • University transcripts
  • Motivation letter presenting your personal and professional project: research interests, post-master’s and career plans, how this project will contribute to achieving them… (See these guidelines for writing it)
  • Proof of English language proficiency (if this is not your mother tongue, and in accordance with the requirements of the host university).

Don’t forget to check the specific requirements of your host university! At the University of Helsinki, for example, you can benefit from certain privileges and even other funding by following these instructions.

Provisional calendar

Subject to change.

  • Information campaign: June-July 2023
  • Declaration of interest: before Sunday, July 9, 2023
  • Deadline for applications: Sunday August 27, 2023 at the latest
  • Pre-selection and interview: late August/early September 2023
  • Publication of results: mid-September 2023
  • Validation by partner universities and signing of agreements: from mid-September 2023
  • Mobility dates: between the beginning of January and the end of June 2024 (probably Jan.8-Jun. 21). You can go abroad for the whole duration (around 5 months) or do an internship half abroad (min. 2 full months) and half in Marseille on a similar subject with complementary approaches, for example.

Jury and evaluation criteria


The jury may include the following members:

Its decisions are final.


In order to best evaluate your proposals, the following criteria will be taken into account:

  • Candidate’s project: well-thought-out personal and professional project, justification of the studies pursued in relation to a stated objective, suitability for the Master’s program, acquisition of techniques, possible opening towards a thesis, particularly in co-supervision, or towards a job.
  • Academic results: analysis of official documents attesting to grades, honors, rankings enabling the candidate to be clearly identified, prizes and distinctions awarded to candidates, if any.
  • Other relevant experience: voluntary internships in laboratories, scientific leadership, conference organization, work experience, experience abroad, etc.
  • Language skills: good knowledge of scientific English, and possibly of the language spoken in the host laboratory.
  • Computer skills: good knowledge of computer basics, and even of specialized software useful in neuroscience
  • Quality of presentation of documents: clarity and reliability of the documents submitted in support of the application.


More information

For further information on these grants, please contact NeuroSchool coordinator Isabelle Virard +33 (0)6 44 05 11 16

For specific questions about laboratories in Helsinki and Oldenburg: Christophe Porcher +33 (0)4 91 82 81 29

For specific questions about laboratories in Tübingen: Nicolas Catz +33(0)4 13 55 08 64

For specific questions about the Rome La Sapienza laboratories: Francesca Sargolini

For more general questions on international exchanges, please contact AMU’s International Relations Office.


We are pleased to announce that the following students have been awarded a NeuroSchool outgoing mobility grant:

  • Sofia BERRY for an internship in Belgium,
  • Tess GROH for an internship in Finland,
  • Asma IKHENAZENE for an internship in Germany.
The call is now closed.

Outgoing mobility scholarship

In addition to the partnerships already put in place by AMU’s international relations service, AMU’s neuroscience courses have established exchange agreements directly with several foreign universities, where our students can do a laboratory placement and/or follow courses there:

Please note that the agreement with the Université de Montréal has not yet been renewed, so it is not a possible destination for 2023-24.

Since 2019, Master’s exchanges have also been possible with universities in the CIVIS alliance:

NeuroSchool scholarships (up to €1,000/month) are currently available for selected 2n-year (M2) Neuroscience students to spend at least 2 full months in partner universities abroad.

It is also possible to do a laboratory placement in a non-partner university. NeuroSchool scholarships do not apply in these cases, but other funding is possible: consult AMU’s International Relations Office. You can submit several applications to increase your chances of obtaining funding, but check whether or not they can be combined.

This exchange programme has received support from the French government as part of the “Investissements d’Avenir” programme, the University of Aix-Marseille’s Initiative of Excellence via A*Midex NeuroMarseille AMX-19-IET-004, and NeuroSchool ANR-17-EURE-0029.


To be eligible, you must:

  • Be an AMU student in M2 neuroscience, at the time of mobility
  • Have a good academic record
  • Provide proof of your proficiency in English (TOEFL, TOEIC, certificate from your English teacher, etc.), in accordance with the requirements of the host university (generally level B2).


If you meet the eligibility criteria and would like to apply, please follow these steps.

  1. Express your interest by sending an e-mail to NeuroSchool’s International Cooperation Manager: Isabelle Virard.
  2. Consult the list below of research teams offering internships (in order of preference) and start contacting these teams now, or other teams if they are attached to a partner university. Send your CV and ask for recent articles, reviews or theses, for example, specifying that you are preparing an application for our grants. The more specific your project, the greater your chances of obtaining a grant!
  3. Prepare an application file (downloadable Word document below) and send it with the additional documents listed below (in a single pdf document) before the deadline (see calendar below).
  4. Our jury will pre-select the best applications (evaluation criteria specified below), then interview candidates for final selection (to assess their language skills, intellectual curiosity and the relevance of their project).
  5. Successful applications will then be sent to the host university for validation.
  6. Before departure, successful candidates provide other documents (bank statement, insurance certificate, etc.) and register on AMU’s moveonline application.


  • To ensure that as many students as possible benefit from these grants, they cannot be combined with other mobility grants (PRAME, ERASMUS, etc.), except those awarded on the basis of social criteria.
  • Some cities, such as Helsinki or Montreal, have several universities, but NeuroSchool only finances exchanges with our partner universities.
  • It is the student’s responsibility to check that he/she has the necessary travel documents (passports, visas: beware, Glasgow is no longer part of the Schengen area since the Brexit!), to check that health and political conditions allow departure, and to purchase his/her travel tickets (plane, train…).
  • A certificate of attendance will be requested on return from your stay abroad.
  • Consult AMU’s international relations page for advice before you leave.
  • Plan B: if your mobility project is likely to change due to the global health or political situation, we can only recommend that you prepare a “plan B”.

Host teams at our partner universities

The lists below are not exhaustive and are constantly evolving. You can also consult this directory of neuroscience training programs offered by members of the CIVIS European University, which provides links to their associated laboratories. If you are interested in a laboratory, contact it and tell it that you are applying for NeuroSchool outgoing mobility grants.


Several Finnish researchers have offered to host AMU trainees in the past, in particular those from the Neuroscience Center:

as well as researchers from other institutes, including :

Contact them if you would like to take part in their research project.


At Oldenbourg, the following neuroscience and neuropsychology laboratories offer to host AMU students:

Please do not hesitate to contact them for information about their research and availability.

*Please note that you must have passed the “lab animal science course” or equivalent before you can work on animals.

**Only open to trainees with EEG experience.


In Tübingen, the following academics are enthusiastic about hosting our students:

Here is a list of neuroscience laboratories at the University of Tübingen:

You may also watch the videos of the tripartite symposium in January 2022, where researchers from Tübingen presented their research alongside researchers from Marseille and Rome. Link to the YouTube channel.


Dr Philippe Peigneux and Dr Axel Cleeremans‘s teams have already welcomed trainees from AMU.

Visit the ULB Neuroscience Institute website or the CRCN website to find out about other host teams.


You can contact the researchers listed on this site or the following researchers to find out about their research and availability:


Consult this research teams site, in particular to find researchers in the Department of Psychology or the Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics.

Be careful not to confuse this university with the Karolinska Institute, another major institution in the same city.


See these research projects.

Students from NeuroSchool have completed internships in Rome under the direction of Patrizia Campolongo and Massimiliano Renzi.

You mays also watch the videos of the tripartite symposium in January 2022, where researchers from Rome La Sapienza presented their research alongside researchers from Marseille and Tübingen. Link to the YouTube channel.


Visit this Master of Neurobiology website: the associated research teams work in the departments of anatomy, animal physiology and biophysics.


Visit this training site and this laboratory site. Other options may exist but it’s up to you to find them!


Glasgow joined the CIVIS alliance and welcomed its first trainees from Marseille, who worked in the summer of 2022 under the direction of Emily S. Cross and Michael Kohl, and is preparing to welcome another in the summer of 2023, under the direction of Gregory Weir. We are also in contact with Mick Craig. We invite you to find out more about the rest of the psychology and neuroscience laboratories.


Salzburg is a new CIVIS partner; we have not yet exchanged students with the cognitive neuroscience laboratories. It’s up to you to explore them!


We are not yet in contact with neuroscientists at the University of Lausanne. You can explore the website of the Department of Fundamental Neuroscience. Be careful not to confuse this university with the EPFL, another major institution in the same city.

Application form and required documents

The application form can be downloaded here (in French). English version here.

It comprises 2 parts (A. Mobility project and B. Curriculum vitae). Prefer the French version for French-speaking destinations and the English version for non-French-speaking destinations.

You will need to attach the following documents (all combined in a single pdf document):

  • University transcripts
  • Motivation letter presenting your personal and professional project: research interests, post-master’s and career plans, how this project will contribute to achieving them… (See these guidelines for writing it)
  • Proof of English language proficiency (if this is not your mother tongue, and in accordance with the requirements of the host university).

Don’t forget to check the specific requirements of your host university! At the University of Helsinki, for example, you can benefit from certain privileges and even other funding by following these instructions.

Provisional calendar

Subject to change.

  • Information campaign: June-July 2023
  • Declaration of interest: before Sunday, July 9, 2023
  • Deadline for applications: Sunday August 27, 2023 at the latest
  • Pre-selection and interview: late August/early September 2023
  • Publication of results: mid-September 2023
  • Validation by partner universities and signing of agreements: from mid-September 2023
  • Mobility dates: between the beginning of January and the end of June 2024 (probably Jan.8-Jun. 21). You can go abroad for the whole duration (around 5 months) or do an internship half abroad (min. 2 full months) and half in Marseille on a similar subject with complementary approaches, for example.

Jury and evaluation criteria


The jury may include the following members:

Its decisions are final.


In order to best evaluate your proposals, the following criteria will be taken into account:

  • Candidate’s project: well-thought-out personal and professional project, justification of the studies pursued in relation to a stated objective, suitability for the Master’s program, acquisition of techniques, possible opening towards a thesis, particularly in co-supervision, or towards a job.
  • Academic results: analysis of official documents attesting to grades, honors, rankings enabling the candidate to be clearly identified, prizes and distinctions awarded to candidates, if any.
  • Other relevant experience: voluntary internships in laboratories, scientific leadership, conference organization, work experience, experience abroad, etc.
  • Language skills: good knowledge of scientific English, and possibly of the language spoken in the host laboratory.
  • Computer skills: good knowledge of computer basics, and even of specialized software useful in neuroscience
  • Quality of presentation of documents: clarity and reliability of the documents submitted in support of the application.


More information

For further information on these grants, please contact NeuroSchool coordinator Isabelle Virard +33 (0)6 44 05 11 16

For specific questions about laboratories in Helsinki and Oldenburg: Christophe Porcher +33 (0)4 91 82 81 29

For specific questions about laboratories in Tübingen: Nicolas Catz +33(0)4 13 55 08 64

For specific questions about the Rome La Sapienza laboratories: Francesca Sargolini

For more general questions on international exchanges, please contact AMU’s International Relations Office.


We are pleased to announce that the following students have been awarded a NeuroSchool outgoing mobility grant:

  • Sofia BERRY for an internship in Belgium,
  • Tess GROH for an internship in Finland,
  • Asma IKHENAZENE for an internship in Germany.