Technical Boost in Neuroscience 2021
Call for projects closed Interview and/or deliberation closed Results announced

Call Presentation

NeuroMarseille institute wishes to promote scientific exchanges and encourage the emergence of collaborative projects within Marseille’s neuroscience community.

The institute constitutes a component of Aix-Marseille University (AMU) supported by AMIDEX funding. The use of funding is therefore governed by AMIDEX financial rules and subject to evaluation.

In this context, NeuroMarseille institute opens a call titled “Technical Boost in Neuroscience”, in order to encourage a new collaboration between one researcher/engineer and a technical platform (not belonging to the same laboratory/UMR), only one application per team.

Each project will be granted up to 10 k€  to cover the platform services. 

This work has received support from the French government under the Programme “Investissements d’Avenir”, Initiative d’Excellence d’Aix-Marseille Université via AMidex funding NeuroMarseille AMX-19-IET-004, and NeuroSchool ANR-17-EURE-0029

Eligibility Criteria

Applicant: researchers (CR, MCU, DR, Pr, PU) and Engineers (AI, IE, IR), member of a research team affiliated to NeuroMarseille can apply to this call.

Research program: the research program to be supported can be a new project or the continuation of an ongoing project. In both cases, the applicant(s) and his/her team, must not have already used the requested platform. The evaluated criteria will be the first use of the platform by the applicant(s), the real added-value of the use of the platform, the program feasibility (equipment of the platform, collaborations, personnel involved, etc.), and the scientific quality of the project as well as of the participants.

Eligible expenses: only platform fees will be covered. A detailed budget of the service should be provided.

Only one application to this grant per team

First use of the platform by the applicant


Application modalities

Submission: the project submission deadline is December 06, 2020, at 23:59. Applicants must use the Application Form provided on NeuroMarseille’s website.

Evaluation: the Scientific Committee, composed of NeuroMarseille’s neuroscientists, will evaluate and select the projects. The evaluations will be sent by e-mail to the applicant by the end of the 3rd week of January 2021.

Terms of engagement: it is mandatory to mention the support of NeuroMarseille in all scientific publications and communications in relation to the project:

 “This work was supported by a grant from NeuroMarseille (#AMX-19-IET-004)” 

The grantees involved in the project could be asked to present their findings during the events organized by NeuroMarseille


We are pleased to present the laureates of the Technical Boost grant:


Submit a project

Call Presentation

NeuroMarseille institute wishes to promote scientific exchanges and encourage the emergence of collaborative projects within Marseille’s neuroscience community.

The institute constitutes a component of Aix-Marseille University (AMU) supported by AMIDEX funding. The use of funding is therefore governed by AMIDEX financial rules and subject to evaluation.

In this context, NeuroMarseille institute opens a call titled “Technical Boost in Neuroscience”, in order to encourage a new collaboration between one researcher/engineer and a technical platform (not belonging to the same laboratory/UMR), only one application per team.

Each project will be granted up to 10 k€  to cover the platform services. 

This work has received support from the French government under the Programme “Investissements d’Avenir”, Initiative d’Excellence d’Aix-Marseille Université via AMidex funding NeuroMarseille AMX-19-IET-004, and NeuroSchool ANR-17-EURE-0029

Eligibility Criteria

Applicant: researchers (CR, MCU, DR, Pr, PU) and Engineers (AI, IE, IR), member of a research team affiliated to NeuroMarseille can apply to this call.

Research program: the research program to be supported can be a new project or the continuation of an ongoing project. In both cases, the applicant(s) and his/her team, must not have already used the requested platform. The evaluated criteria will be the first use of the platform by the applicant(s), the real added-value of the use of the platform, the program feasibility (equipment of the platform, collaborations, personnel involved, etc.), and the scientific quality of the project as well as of the participants.

Eligible expenses: only platform fees will be covered. A detailed budget of the service should be provided.

Only one application to this grant per team

First use of the platform by the applicant


Application modalities

Submission: the project submission deadline is December 06, 2020, at 23:59. Applicants must use the Application Form provided on NeuroMarseille’s website.

Evaluation: the Scientific Committee, composed of NeuroMarseille’s neuroscientists, will evaluate and select the projects. The evaluations will be sent by e-mail to the applicant by the end of the 3rd week of January 2021.

Terms of engagement: it is mandatory to mention the support of NeuroMarseille in all scientific publications and communications in relation to the project:

 “This work was supported by a grant from NeuroMarseille (#AMX-19-IET-004)” 

The grantees involved in the project could be asked to present their findings during the events organized by NeuroMarseille


We are pleased to present the laureates of the Technical Boost grant: