Description de la soumission d'un avis
Your career path after graduating from the master's?
I got my Ph.D. in 2005 and then I did one year of postdoctoral training in London at the NMR Laboratory - Unit, Queen Square (University College London) before joining Marseilles hospitals authority (AP-HM).
What are your duties?
- In charge of a clinical unit specializing in the care of patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) at Timone Hospital.
- Teaching neurology to medical students at AMU Faculty of Medicine.
- Research project on the structural and functional substrates of disability in MS (CEMEREM).
What aspects of your work do you like the most?
- Variety of activities
- Public service work
- Combining care, teaching and research
What are its constraints?
- Institutional inertia
- Current budgetary restrictions
Interviewed in April 2016
The advantages
What I liked the most in the master’s and PhD training was my supervisors’ informal teaching.