Elections of student representatives NeuroSchool / NeuroMarseille
Call for applicants closed Interview and/or deliberation closed Results announced

Presentation of the call and missions

We are launching a call for applications for students willing to represent their programmes. The 3 NeuroSchool programmes (L3, Master and PhD) will have représentatives who will participate in the Neuroschool steering committee and the board of the Institut NeuroMarseille.

Eligible students: 

  • Students of L3 Life Sciences, Neurosciences course,
  • Students of the Master of Neurosciences (M1 & M2),
  • PhD students enrolled in the NeuroSchool PhD Program*.

The representatives will take office on February 1st 2021 for a maximum 2-year term with the following missions:

  • to ensure a privileged link between students and the management of NeuroSchool and NeuroMarseille,
  • participate in the monthly meetings of the NeuroSchool board of directors and in the biannual meetings of the NeuroMarseille Institute council (in turn: one or two student representatives in total each time).

All NeuroSchool students interested in these missions are invited to submit an application form (blue button) and provide the following documents:

  • a short CV including a profession of faith explaining its motivation
  • a portrait photo

The application is expected to be in French, except for the PhD program, where it must be bilingual (English/French).

*The call for applications and voting is only open to PhD students enrolled in the NeuroSchool PhD program at the time of the closing of the call for applications. Reminder: any AMU neuroscience PhD student is not automatically registered in the NeuroSchool PhD programme. Link to the registration procedure here.


For more information about this call, please contact the management of the Institut NeuroMarseille or NeuroSchool.


The deadline for applications is Sunday, January 10th, 2020, at 23:59. 

After verification of their validity, applications will then be posted on https://neuro-marseille.org/ (exact link to come).

All NeuroSchool students will be asked to vote remotely, on the Bélénios platform, during the day of Monday, January 25th, 2021 until 9pm.

** Modification of January 24th concerning the voting platform: as the Bélénios.org site is currently out of service, the vote will take place on the AMeTICE platform. It will be an anonymous questionnaire.

Voting modality

The voters are the students registered in 2020-21 at Aix Marseille University :

  • in L3 Life Sciences, Neuroscience path,
  • in the neuroscience master’s program,
  • in the NeuroSchool PhD program in neuroscience.

Elections will be held separately for each cohort:

  • the students of L3 Life Sciences, Neuroscience path, will elect 2 representatives,
  • those of the neuroscience Master’s program (M1 & M2): 2 representatives,
  • those of the NeuroSchool PhD program: 3 representatives, i.e. 1 per campus (Luminy, Saint-Charles, Timone).

L3, M1 and M2

In L3, voters will be asked to check off up to two names among the candidates in their cohort.

In M1 and M2, voters will be asked to tick up to two names among those of the master’s candidates (M1 or M2).

Blank voting is permitted.

The representatives of each level will be elected by relative majority.

In the event of a tie, a second-round may be held between the candidates who have won at least 10% of the votes cast.

PhD Students

Candidate PhD students will be separated according to the site of their main laboratory,

  • Luminy: IBDM, INMED, ISM, UNIS
  • Saint-Charles: LNC, LNSC, LPC
  • Timone: CRMBM, INP, INS, INT, MMG

PhD student voters will be able to tick up to three names among the candidates: one per campus.

Blank voting is allowed.

One PhD student representative per campus will be elected by relative majority (separately per campus).

In the event of a tie, a second round may be held between candidates having won at least 10% of the votes cast.

** January 19th : Modification concerning the PhD students’ representatives : As there are no candidates from all campuses, PhD students will choose up to three names among those of the candidates, but not limited to one per campus.


The students of the NeuroSchool elected their representatives on 25 January 2021.

The students elected for the Third year BSc Neuroscience track :

  • Océane Plessis
  • Gwenel Le Prado 

The student elected for the Master’s degree in neuroscience : 

  • Nouha Bouali 

The students elected for the Ph.D. Program :

  • Zoé Dary (LNSC)
  • Mélina Cordeau (INT)
  • Laura Beullier (LNC)

Congratulations to our new representatives, we wish you a good mandate!

The call is closed.

Presentation of the call and missions

We are launching a call for applications for students willing to represent their programmes. The 3 NeuroSchool programmes (L3, Master and PhD) will have représentatives who will participate in the Neuroschool steering committee and the board of the Institut NeuroMarseille.

Eligible students: 

  • Students of L3 Life Sciences, Neurosciences course,
  • Students of the Master of Neurosciences (M1 & M2),
  • PhD students enrolled in the NeuroSchool PhD Program*.

The representatives will take office on February 1st 2021 for a maximum 2-year term with the following missions:

  • to ensure a privileged link between students and the management of NeuroSchool and NeuroMarseille,
  • participate in the monthly meetings of the NeuroSchool board of directors and in the biannual meetings of the NeuroMarseille Institute council (in turn: one or two student representatives in total each time).

All NeuroSchool students interested in these missions are invited to submit an application form (blue button) and provide the following documents:

  • a short CV including a profession of faith explaining its motivation
  • a portrait photo

The application is expected to be in French, except for the PhD program, where it must be bilingual (English/French).

*The call for applications and voting is only open to PhD students enrolled in the NeuroSchool PhD program at the time of the closing of the call for applications. Reminder: any AMU neuroscience PhD student is not automatically registered in the NeuroSchool PhD programme. Link to the registration procedure here.


For more information about this call, please contact the management of the Institut NeuroMarseille or NeuroSchool.


The deadline for applications is Sunday, January 10th, 2020, at 23:59. 

After verification of their validity, applications will then be posted on https://neuro-marseille.org/ (exact link to come).

All NeuroSchool students will be asked to vote remotely, on the Bélénios platform, during the day of Monday, January 25th, 2021 until 9pm.

** Modification of January 24th concerning the voting platform: as the Bélénios.org site is currently out of service, the vote will take place on the AMeTICE platform. It will be an anonymous questionnaire.

Voting modality

The voters are the students registered in 2020-21 at Aix Marseille University :

  • in L3 Life Sciences, Neuroscience path,
  • in the neuroscience master’s program,
  • in the NeuroSchool PhD program in neuroscience.

Elections will be held separately for each cohort:

  • the students of L3 Life Sciences, Neuroscience path, will elect 2 representatives,
  • those of the neuroscience Master’s program (M1 & M2): 2 representatives,
  • those of the NeuroSchool PhD program: 3 representatives, i.e. 1 per campus (Luminy, Saint-Charles, Timone).

L3, M1 and M2

In L3, voters will be asked to check off up to two names among the candidates in their cohort.

In M1 and M2, voters will be asked to tick up to two names among those of the master’s candidates (M1 or M2).

Blank voting is permitted.

The representatives of each level will be elected by relative majority.

In the event of a tie, a second-round may be held between the candidates who have won at least 10% of the votes cast.

PhD Students

Candidate PhD students will be separated according to the site of their main laboratory,

  • Luminy: IBDM, INMED, ISM, UNIS
  • Saint-Charles: LNC, LNSC, LPC
  • Timone: CRMBM, INP, INS, INT, MMG

PhD student voters will be able to tick up to three names among the candidates: one per campus.

Blank voting is allowed.

One PhD student representative per campus will be elected by relative majority (separately per campus).

In the event of a tie, a second round may be held between candidates having won at least 10% of the votes cast.

** January 19th : Modification concerning the PhD students’ representatives : As there are no candidates from all campuses, PhD students will choose up to three names among those of the candidates, but not limited to one per campus.


The students of the NeuroSchool elected their representatives on 25 January 2021.

The students elected for the Third year BSc Neuroscience track :

  • Océane Plessis
  • Gwenel Le Prado 

The student elected for the Master’s degree in neuroscience : 

  • Nouha Bouali 

The students elected for the Ph.D. Program :

  • Zoé Dary (LNSC)
  • Mélina Cordeau (INT)
  • Laura Beullier (LNC)

Congratulations to our new representatives, we wish you a good mandate!