
Welcome from the new management team NeuroMarseille

The start of the 2024 school year is an opportunity for the new management team to welcome you and present their objectives.


Hello everyone

The Institute Board has decided to entrust me with the management of NeuroMarseille. A new management team is in place, with 4 Deputy Directors. Anne Kavounoudias (CRPN) is continuing her work in Training and is in charge of NeuroSchool. Olivier Manzoni (INMED) will be in charge of Research. This team is expanding to meet the new challenges facing the Institutes: Fabrice Bartolomei (INS and Clinical Neuroscience Pole) and Valérie Crépel (INMED) will be contributing their experience in clinical research and innovation.

NeuroMarseille and NeuroSchool have succeeded in building a dynamic community rich in the diversity of scientific approaches that make up neuroscience in Marseille. We now need to take things to the next level. Our plan is to encourage a more visible structuring of our site at national and international level. This should be based on thematic inter-laboratory initiatives, in conjunction with clinical services, training and non-academic partners. These initiatives will have to prepare for the future by being able to raise funds, increase our attractiveness and federate our scientific and technological skills. The other major challenge will be to prepare for the period after EUR NeuroSchool. By working with the training courses and components, our priority will be to ensure the long-term future of the enormous amount of work that has been done, particularly around the PhD Programme, initial training (Bachelor’s, Master’s) and complementary continuing training (DESU). Finally, we must work to stabilise the organisation and operation of NeuroMarseille, by strengthening links with the laboratories and clinical services as well as with the other Institutes, in order to place Neuroscience at the heart of AMU.

We know that we can count on your commitment to the development of NeuroMarseille. I would like to take this opportunity to warmly thank Pascale Durbec, François Féron and Boris Burle, the NeuroMarseille/NeuroSchool team, as well as all those who, over the last few years, have made NeuroMarseille and NeuroSchool a lively place and a benchmark for Aix-Marseille University.

NeuroMarseille Day will be an opportunity to meet the new team and discuss these issues. Sign up now!

Guillaume Masson

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